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Witchcraft, or the Craft of the Witch is a spiritual path commonly found under the umbrella term Paganism.

The word witch is not gender specific so witches are both men and women.

Most witches follow some form of spiritual path that reveres nature, and celebrate the turning of the seasonal wheel and the phases of the moon. They also try to live conscientious, caring, ethical lives endeavoring to take responsibility for their words, actions and magics.

Many witches are polytheistic, actively revering both the male and female aspects of deity, although the pantheons will vary.

Some witches study, learn, teach, and practice some form or forms of magic, by tapping into and directing the power/energy of the earth and the universe.

A few witches follow spiritual paths that believe it is acceptable to use magic for purposes that are not necessarily kind, ethical, caring or benign.

All witches are human, subject to all the strengths and weaknesses of the human condition.

No one is perfect, not a witch nor a saint, but as with every spiritual path, witches endeavor to be the best person they can.

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