Upper and lower case is a reference to the way Typesetters store their letters. Capital letters were stored in the Upper drawers and the regular letters in the lower drawers. Hence, if they requested an Upper case "L" it meant they wanted a capital "L".
All these are upper case letters: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ All these are lower case letters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Lowercase and upper case letters refer to how a letter is written - as a capital letter ("A" for example) or as a small, lowercase, letter ("a" for example). Here are all the capital letters in the alphabet: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Here are the same letters as lowercase: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Upper case (capital) letters are used to begin sentences and for proper nouns, such as names.
Examples: QWERTY is upper case i.e. capital letters qwerty is lower case
Both. "Case sensitive" means that upper case and lower case characters are treated as different characters.
Upper case are the "capital" letters ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. Lower case are the (obviously) lower case letters abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz. All other characters fall into the 'numeric", i.e. 0123456789, or "special characters" categories. "Special characters" may include `-=[]\;',./~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:"<>? although some of those characters may be excluded from use because the are tied to commands.
We suspect you may be trying to create a computer password.The upper case characters are: A B C D E . . . etc.The lower case characters are: a b c d e . . . etc.The numeric characters are: 1 2 3 4 5 . . . etc.Special characters are: . , < ? > / ! # $ % & * + etc.It's telling you that the password you choose must contain at leastone character from each group.
There are a couple of different ways to convert upper case characters to lower case in easytrieve. One is to use the INSPECT/CONVERTING command.
Minimum eight characters. Mixture of letters and numbers. Mixture of upper and lower case. No names of children, dogs, heroes, etc
Toggle switch mostly. Many keys do 2 characters like upper/lower case
A choice of characters on a keyboard that can include all the numbers and letters (1 to 0 and a to z) is called alphanumeric. If the choice is case-sensitive, meaning that it makes a difference if you choose upper or lower case (capitals and small letters), lower case alphanumeric characters would not include capital letters. A list of alphanumeric characters excludes all the signs.
Not sure how the upper case and lower case letters interact. If that can be ignored then rj.Not sure how the upper case and lower case letters interact. If that can be ignored then rj.Not sure how the upper case and lower case letters interact. If that can be ignored then rj.Not sure how the upper case and lower case letters interact. If that can be ignored then rj.
upper case
Use the UPPER function
THIS IS UPPER CASE & this is lower case. So it is basically CAPITAL and small letters.