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There are really no similarties between these two areas. As you're text book might read 'This was a era for Europe'. There were no wars durning this period and monarchy pretty much ended. The rebirth although started in Florence, Italy because of there wealth from controlling the Mediterrainen at the time. The richest family might have been the medici family also. Hope this helps! Answer by: Dad47

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

During the middle ages, art; paintings, statues, models... were made to portray biblical messages to peasants who could not read the Latin bible for themselves. Renaissance art was made to impress/ decorate/ show off wealth/ earn money. They are similar because they were not just made by anybody, artists were hired by patrons (Priests, lords, merchants...) to create art for their own specific reasons. Look up the 'Wilton diptych' for an example of renaissance art and look up 'Grand Chronicles of France' for an example of medieval art. Thank you for paying an interest! :-)

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Renaissance was the beginning/rebirth of art, science, culture, etc. during the end of the 14th century till the 17th century. The likeness between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance is that by the end of the Middle Ages (14th century) the Renaissance had begun, which meant that most of the customs and traditions from the Middle Ages were followed during the Renaissance.


The Middle Ages and the Renaissance both had the Plague.

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βˆ™ 6y ago

The use of perspective.

In the Middle Ages, the perspective was limited to some modeling on the figures. Lines drawn along the edges of receding planes would go to different (contradictory) points. This is not to be confused with the multiple points of perspective in Asian scroll paintings at this time, which was done to give the viewer the sense of being in multiple areas of the painting.

However, in Europe, the attempt was being made to be realistically rendering space, which did not get perfected until the Renaissance.

In the Renaissance, One Point Perspective was used-- that created a real sense of depth as each of the planes going back into the back of the space converged at one point corresponding to the eye of the viewer, just as it does in life.

Conventional example: Last Supper Painting

Cutting edge/ Controversial Answer: see David Hockney's book on optical machines that may have been used to create tricks in perspective.

Hi! Funny you should ask cause I just learned about that today.....The medieval ages were known as a pretty bad time because of some of the hatred that the lords and ladies and serfs had for their king and queen....And they were said to have many forms of art such as the castles they made, their pottery, and paintings, and also their weaponry.....Now, the renaissance was a little after the medieval ages, and was more revolved around the theme of the arts, such as paintings, silhouettes, art with words, similar to poetry, and the ways of creating things that impacted everyone....While the middle ages consisted more of focusing on protecting the kingdoms, it is said that the renaissance was more based on coming together as one with more art oriented creations.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

During the Middle Ages the church ruled almost about everything and anything. The church would ask artists, writers, and musicians to paint, write, or sing something based on the Christian religion. For example if you were an artist during the Middle Ages the Bishop from a so and so church would ask you to paint a picture of hell so it would scare people to go to church and start confessing. Now during the Renaissance age artists started becoming less and less religious and more and more on realism or portraits of people like take Leonardo da vinci during the Renaissance age and compare him to Christopher Marlow during the Middle Ages. Also a big reminder the Plague was around during the Middle Ages so that gave the church even more power by telling their people that the devil caused the Plague. Which in the end artists from that time drew a picture of people dieing from the plague caused by the devil. During the Renaissance the church still had some power like you still had to go to church every Sunday otherwise you would got to prison but other than that artists were a lot more creative and diverse.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

In the Middle Ages, they thought everything was about God and Gods creations, so there art was religious, with halos and it wasn't very realistic.

During the Renaissance, they focused on Humanism (focusing on human achievements, ideals, and characteristics instead of the divine) so their art was very realistic and usually was a painting of a person, like The Mona Lisa.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

classical medevil had little detail, background or even many colours.more of shades and hues

renaissance art was just that, bigger, bolder, minute details,rich oils (colours)

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Q: What is the similarities and differences in the art of the Renaissance to that of the Middle Ages?
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What were differences after the Renaissance rome?

Well, the renaissance was a "rebirth" and refers to the period that followed Europe's middle ages.

What came first renaissance or Middle Ages?

middle ages

Were the clothing during the Renaissance and the middle ages the same?

There was a certain overlap between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, particularly in Italy, where the Renaissance began about a hundred years before the Middle Ages ended. So there was a point when they were the same. Fashions change, however, and this was especially true in both the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Apart from that bit of overlap, clothing of the Renaissance and the Middle Ages were different.

Who labeled the Renaissance as dark ages?

The Renaissance was not labeled the "dark ages". Renaissance means "rebrith" and it came AFTER the "dark ages or the middle ages."

Where did woman worship in the middle ages and renaissance?

During the Middle Ages and Renaissance in Europe women worshipped in churches.

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What were differences after the Renaissance rome?

Well, the renaissance was a "rebirth" and refers to the period that followed Europe's middle ages.

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In the Middle Ages people thought that by denying worldly pleasures was a good thing. During the Renaissance people thought that enjoying worldly pleasures was a good thing.

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middle ages

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In the Middle Ages people thought that by denying worldly pleasures was a good thing. During the Renaissance people thought that enjoying worldly pleasures was a good thing.

What were the differences between the middle ages and the Renaissance in the attitude toward worldly pleasure?

In the Middle Ages people thought that by denying worldly pleasures was a good thing. During the Renaissance people thought that enjoying worldly pleasures was a good thing.

What were differences between the middle ages and renaissance in the attitude toward worldly pleasures?

In the Middle Ages people thought that by denying worldly pleasures was a good thing. During the Renaissance people thought that enjoying worldly pleasures was a good thing.

What were the differences between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance in the attitudes toward worldly pleasures?

In the Middle Ages people thought that by denying worldly pleasures was a good thing. During the Renaissance people thought that enjoying worldly pleasures was a good thing.

Were the clothing during the Renaissance and the middle ages the same?

There was a certain overlap between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, particularly in Italy, where the Renaissance began about a hundred years before the Middle Ages ended. So there was a point when they were the same. Fashions change, however, and this was especially true in both the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Apart from that bit of overlap, clothing of the Renaissance and the Middle Ages were different.

What is after the middle ages?

The Renaissance

What was after middle ages?

The Renaissance