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This is a form of mutilation they have been told to inflict on their children and on themselves to fulfill a rule made in their Religious teachings. The removal of any part of the body that is functional and healthy is a mutilation. This tradition Has everything in common with female genital mutilation It. It is interesting to note that this is usually inflicted on children that have no idea what is happening to them or control over whether this gross perversion is inflicted on them.

Note: Most Jews do not consider circumcision to be "mutilation" in the same way that most Americans would not consider plastic surgery "mutilation".

Note Most women who have their genitals mutilated do not consider Female genital circumcision to be "mutilation" in the same way that most Americans would not consider plastic surgery "mutilation".

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Q: What is the significance of circumcision to Jews?
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Are all male Jews circumcised?

No they are not and these days more and more Jews are under the impression that this as a harmful procedure. If you would like to see more information on some the jews that dont believe in circumcision go to the Related link below "Jews against circumcision".

What did the fascist party advocate?

jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jew jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews ejws

When did the Jewish revolt fails and the Romans forbid Jews to live in Jerusalem?

That was the Bar Kokhba revolt (132-136). The Jews revolted against the emperor Hadrian renaming Jerusalem with the Roman name of Aelia Capitolina rebuilding Jerusalem as a Roman town, building a Roman temple in the place of the destroyed Second Temple and forbidding circumcision. When they were defeated Hadrian persecuted Judaism and renamed Judea Syria Palaestina (after the Philistines) to erase the memory of Judea, as well forbidding the Jews from entering Jerusalem.

What happens if a Jew takes off his necklace?

If a Jew removes a necklace he is wearing, then he is no longer wearing a necklace. There is no necklace with any religious significance in Judaism. If Jews wear necklaces they are ornamental, like earrings.

How did new years start?

In the Christian world, the custom of New Year began after 325 ce when Constantine decreed that the Feast of the Circumcision would be the beginning of the New Year. Since a circumcision among the Jews is a joyous celebration and since Jesus was/is the King of Christian theology, it became an excuse to have a bolstrous party. The custom has grown for several centuries. Other non Christian countries celebrate their New Year according to their customs/religious heritage. Islam has it's own "New Year" as do the Jews, the Buddists, the Shintoists, ect. They can and do vary according to that particular faith's calendar which is usually different than the Christian one.

Related questions

Do modern Jews still believe in circumcision?

In general, modern Jews still believe and practice circumcision.

What is the significance of circumcision?

It is a part of our covenant with HaShem, the creator.

Did circumcision have any significance to the Midianites?

We are not told in the Bible about Circumcision and the Midianites. You might find something in Midianite history.

When did circumcision come to Italy?

Italian Jews get circumcised.

Are all male Jews circumcised?

No they are not and these days more and more Jews are under the impression that this as a harmful procedure. If you would like to see more information on some the jews that dont believe in circumcision go to the Related link below "Jews against circumcision".

Is circumcision practiced in Greece?

Only among Greek Jews.

The process of male circumcision and its significance in the hygiene of the genitalia?

Circumcision is a good idea if the owner of the penis concerned has an inclination to not wash regularly.

Do Jews eat passover without circumcision?

Some of them do, and it's not always their fault.

Do Jewish women have female circumcision?

No. Female Circumcision is prohibited in Judaism and almost no Jewish women are circumcised. Female Circumcision is much more common in Africa and the Islamic World.

What are signs of God's covenant with Abraham?

1) The circumcision which Jews do. 2) The bestowal of the Holy Land to the Jews (genesis ch.17).

What is the function of circumcision?

There is no practical medical reasoning behind a circumcision. Jews primarily do it to cement the covenant with God and the Jewish People, as commanded in the Torah (Genesis ch.17).

Does faith tell us to be circumcised?

Yes Jews and Muslims. There are also medical reasons for circumcision.