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The typical enlistment inthe USMC is 4 years. Some are longer if you get a technical MOS that requires more schooling. If you REALLY want to know for sure, go ask your local Marine Corps recruiter. He will know the most up-to-date answer.

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Q: What is the shortest service term in the Marine Corps?
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What is a Marine Corps affirmative response?

"Oorah" is the cry used by modern day Marines, but "Aye, Aye Sir" remains an accepted term.

Where does the saying Irish Pennant from in the United States Marine Corps come from?

The term "Irish pennant" derives from the Royal Navy during the time of sailing ships. It was a loose or untidy end of a line. In Navy and Marine Corps parlance today, an Irish pennant is a loose thread on a uniform, for which you get gigged at inspection.

What is the Marine Corp Uniform chucks?

It refers to the Service "C" uniform. Dress and Service uniforms in the Marine Corps are designated as "A", "B", "C", or "D" with each version slightly different than the other. Service "A", for example, is green trousers, long-sleeve khaki shirt, tie, and green service coat. Service "C" is green trousers with short-sleeve khaki shirt (no coat). It is called "Chucks" because in the phonetic alphabet the letter "C" is designated as "Charlie". "Charlie" is a nickname for the proper name "Charles" and "Chuck" is a nickname for "Charles", hence the term "Service Charlies" or simply "Chucks".

What does the term 'Discharge' mean from US Marines Reserve Corps?

It means that they no longer have a duty to the US Marine Corps. An Honorable Discharge means that they have fulfilled their duty and obligations. A Dishonorable Discharge would mean that they have been declared unfit to fulfill them and relieved of their obligations.

What in the difference between the Department of the Navy and the Navy Department?

Nothing - Department of the Navy is the formal title for the Pentagon division that encompasses the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Marine Corps. Navy Department is an informal term.

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Marine Corps definition of the term Semper Fi the term Marines frequently address each other with?

Always Faithful.

Why is the word corp after marines?

The word "Corps" as it is used in the United States Marine Corps is a military term that is used to describe a group of specialized troops.

Marine Corps definition of the term semplify. the term marines frequently address each other with?

Semper fidelis always faithfull

If you were disqualified medically from the marine corps but get qualified through the army can you still enlist in the marines?

No, each branch of the military has its own qualifications that you must meet. If you meet the Army's qualifications, you would join the army for your term of service.

Word for word what is the meaning of the Marine Corps Semper Fidelis motto?

Semper Fi, or "Semper Fidelis", is the the Marine Corps motto. Semper Fidelis is the Latin term for "Always Faithful.

What is the fullform ASC in Indian army?

The term ASC stands for Army Service Corps

What does poolee stand for?

It's another term for a Marine Corps recruit. Recruits are in a "pool" of other recruits and are referred to as "poolees".

What is a jar head?

"Jarhead" is a slang term often used to refer to a Marine, particularly in the United States Marine Corps. It originated from the high and tight haircut that Marines typically have, resembling a jar's shape.

What is a Marine Corps affirmative response?

"Oorah" is the cry used by modern day Marines, but "Aye, Aye Sir" remains an accepted term.

What is a gunny in the army?

A gunny sergeant is short for gunnery sergeant. A gunnery sergeant is a rank of the US Marine Corps. It is the seventh enlisted rank (E-7) right above a staff sergeant and right below a master sergeant.