In the Ancient World, religion was central in most cultures as it provided answers to the difficult questions, cemented the validity of the ruling chieftains and statesmen, and defined the country as one united polity.
The question is too broad to give more than a very general answer. The 'ancient world' encompasses many centuries, perhaps traditionally two millennia, during which time religions evolved, as did their impact on societies. The implied geographic scope must at least include all of Europe and the Middle East, once again including a huge variety of beliefs and practices.
One constant is that religion helped to define the society. If you worshipped this god, then you must belong to this culture. If a culture was conquered, this was often accepted as meaning that the old gods of the conquered nation were weaker than those of the conquerors, and so these gods were adopted. And, when new gods were adopted, the old ethnic boundaries were removed.
Most ancient societies were intensely religious. All around the Mediterranean, archaeologists have found numerous temples, holy sites, sacred statues and other evidence of the importance of worship in the daily lives of the people.
Organized religion played a significant role in shaping ancient societies by providing a moral code, social structure, and a sense of community. It influenced laws, customs, and rituals, and often served as a unifying force among people. Religion also played a role in governance, education, and the arts, shaping the values and beliefs of the society as a whole.
They practiced the ancient Egyptian religion.
Yes it was, religion didnt play a role in the creation of it, though philosophy did but that didnt occur until about the qin dynasty.
Roman religion
HINDUISM - The World's Ancient RELIGION.
submissive to males
Nothing there stupid
in ancient civilizations, the religion of the time and culture played a very major role in everything, including politics.
The Olympics of ancient Greece were to honor the god Zeus
When Constantine converted Christian, then Christianity became a state religion for the Roman Empire.
Well they say Hinduism is the oldest.
There are various ancient religions that have not survived into the modern world, such as the worship of ancient Egyptian gods like Ra and Isis, or the Norse gods like Odin and Thor. These religions declined with the rise of Christianity and other dominant belief systems.
God created the world including science, hence science and religion are interconnected.
They practiced the ancient Egyptian religion.
Most of the wars are religion-fueled. Charities often are "faith based".