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well i don't know why this question is under history-Greece? but let me give it a whirl... the role of men has been expanded on many fronts and limited in others, men are supposed to fill the role of mr. mom more often than previous decades in society and they are expected to be more socially conscious and caring toward others. they are expected to basically know not to hurt the feelings of groups that many men prescribing to the macho ethos would have( for example the wife/girlfriends "gay friend" or the two lesbians next door raising kids between Rugby practice etc etc. ...) now im not being facetious here i think that's a good thing acceptance and forgiveness are some of the greatest and most important, though difficult traits we possess. on the other hand men have loss some credibility too...not a day goes by where we don't see men being caricatured as dumb self deprecating asses. commercials where a dufus looking guy is left with a blank stare while the wife explains how he messed up the car insurance and SHE saved the families money by calling insert blank company. or a guy out shopping who gets distracted and fails to make the purchase he was supposed to the chagrin of the wife 'in the know'. these commercials would be banned if they depicted women as being dumbasses incapable of running a household and i guess making up for the 1950's father knows best epistemology. problem is were not in the 1950's and if men are being asked to step it up so to speak in the home and at work and in society in general i think they should get a little more credit in the media not that we cant take a joke but its really leading to the destruction of a lot of men's lives who grew up believing that they would someday be the patriarch of their family (not dominant patriarch as we need a matriarch sitting next to us of equal measure) but a role for "dad" "brother" "uncle" that once again warrants respect that's all the same respect that we are giving, and should give, our female counterparts. Adam g. M.A

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Q: What is the role of men in today's society?
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