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A: Habeas Corpus - In which guarantees accused individuals the right to a hearing before being jailed.

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Q: What is the right of accused individuals to have a hearing before being jailed?
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What guarantee gives accused individuals the right to a hearing before being jailed?

Habeas Corpus

What guarantee gives accused individuals the right to hearing before being jailed?

Habeas Corpus

What guarantees accuse individuals the right to a hearing before being jailed?

Habeas Corpus I am studying this in US History right now

What guarantees individuals to a court hearing before being jailed?

I appoligize for the last answer, there are alot of trolls on this site. The fifth amendment of the U.S. Constitution and Articles of Confederation gaurentees due process.

What did they do to the accused witches at Salem?

The accused were arrested, jailed, and tried. If they were convicted, they were hanged.

Why was Boo Radley jailed?

he got accused for stabbing his father in the leg.

Were there any accused Witches in the Salem Witch Trials that didn't go to jail or get hung?

Yes. People accused later in the trials were not jailed when accused because people didn't believe the accusations as quickly. Some, like John Alden, left Salem before they could be sent to prison.

Can the prosecution witness be jailed?

i believe that its the witnesses choice wheather they want to see the person they accused of a crime, if the accused refuses it then that is there choice it should not be against the law not to allow a witness to see the accused.

How many people were accus ed and condemned during the Salem witch trials?

Around 160 were accused and jailed. 19 were covicted and executed.

Who were the 7 innecent in the witch trials?

There were more like two hundred innocent. That many people were accused and jailed and none of them were guilty of their supposed crimes.

What did jailed witches have to pay for before they could be released from jail?

This was one of the laws at the time. Today there are fines and jail time. That was the same when witches were being jailed. Most witches were burned at the stake and not jailed.

What happened to Tituba after she was accused?

She confessed and was jailed. Despite being a slave, she was never tried or executed. Eventually she was bought by a new owner and slips out of the history books.