

What is the oslo accords?

Updated: 8/19/2022
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14y ago

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The Oslo accords or Oslo Agreement was between the PLO and Israel. It was a result of an initiative that came from people around the leader of the Norwegian research organization FAFO. The FAFO conducted a large research program on living conditions in the territories of Palestine. The FAFO leader, Terje Rod Larsen, became a good friend and contact of the Palestinian Leader. With the help from Larsen, the Palestinian leader has to gather with the PLO and the Israel's government for informal meetings in Norway. They chose Norway because it was far enough away, that there would be no media to bother them. Many meetings passed until they came to a sketch to how peace for land could be achieved between Palestinians and Israel. In 1993, the idea was accepted by Israel and the PLO. The final agreement involved autonomy for parts of the Gas Strip and the West Bank (Jericho). In 1995 a disagreement sprang up, it proved that Israel would not fulfill all of their processes because there were several unclear elements to the first Oslo Agreement, they called this Oslo 2.

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Hamas opposed the Oslo accords and wanted to undermine the PLO-Israeli peace process.

What happened at the oslo accords?

they tried to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

In 1993 which two governments signed the Oslo Accords?

israelis and palestinians

Which two parties participated in the Oslo Accords in 1993?

Israel and Palestine (Study Island)

When did the Oslo agreement start?

The Oslo Accords were signed in 1993 and 1995, and partly superseded by the Gaza-Jericho Agreement (aka 1994 Cairo Agreement).

Oslo Accords in 1993?

The Oslo Accords in 1993 were negotiations in Oslo that year between the Israeli government and the Palestinian representative organization Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) ending up with an agreement between the two parties, and formally signed later that year under the auspiecesof US president Bill Clinton.

What did the Palestinians get in the Oslo Accords?

The Oslo Accords allowed for (1) Israel's recognition of the Palestinian Authority, composed primarily by the Palestine Liberation Organization, as the legitimate representative of the Palestinian People and that (2) the Palestinian Authority would have direct civil governance over select regions of the West Bank and most of the Gaza Strip, called Zone A under the terms of the Accords.

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