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The position of Grand Master in the Templar Order was for life. Here is the list of Templar Grand Masters: 1118-1136AD Hughes de Payens

1136-1146 Robert de Craon

1146-1149 Everard des Barres

1149-1153 Bernard de Tremelay

1153-1156 Andre de Montbard

1156-1169 Bertrand de Blanchefort

1169-1171 Philippe de Milly

1171-1179 Odo de St Amand

1179-1184 Arnaud de Toroge

1185-1189 Gerard de Ridefort

1191-1193 Robert de Sable

1193-1200 Gilbert Horal

1201-1208 Phillipe de Plessis

1209-1219 Guillaume de Chartres

1219-1230 Pedro de Montaigu

1232-1244 Armand de Perigord

1245-1247 Richard de Bures

1247-1250 Guillaume de Sonnac

1250-1256 Renaud de Vichiers

1256-1273 Thomas Berard

1273-1291 Guillaume de Beaujeu

1291-1292 Thibaud Gaudin

1292-1314 Jacques de Molay

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Are You A Knights Templar?

Yes, I am.

What number degree is a knights Templar?

The Degree of Knights templar is conferred at the 14th Degree of York Rite Masonry.