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Q: What is the name of the arena that Roman Gladiators fight?
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What was the name of the arena where gladiators fought to the death?

Gladiators could fight to the death in all the arenas all over the empire. Some had names, others just were called by the name of the town they were in or near. The most famous arena in the Roman world, however, was the Colosseum in Rome.Gladiators could fight to the death in all the arenas all over the empire. Some had names, others just were called by the name of the town they were in or near. The most famous arena in the Roman world, however, was the Colosseum in Rome.Gladiators could fight to the death in all the arenas all over the empire. Some had names, others just were called by the name of the town they were in or near. The most famous arena in the Roman world, however, was the Colosseum in Rome.Gladiators could fight to the death in all the arenas all over the empire. Some had names, others just were called by the name of the town they were in or near. The most famous arena in the Roman world, however, was the Colosseum in Rome.Gladiators could fight to the death in all the arenas all over the empire. Some had names, others just were called by the name of the town they were in or near. The most famous arena in the Roman world, however, was the Colosseum in Rome.Gladiators could fight to the death in all the arenas all over the empire. Some had names, others just were called by the name of the town they were in or near. The most famous arena in the Roman world, however, was the Colosseum in Rome.Gladiators could fight to the death in all the arenas all over the empire. Some had names, others just were called by the name of the town they were in or near. The most famous arena in the Roman world, however, was the Colosseum in Rome.Gladiators could fight to the death in all the arenas all over the empire. Some had names, others just were called by the name of the town they were in or near. The most famous arena in the Roman world, however, was the Colosseum in Rome.Gladiators could fight to the death in all the arenas all over the empire. Some had names, others just were called by the name of the town they were in or near. The most famous arena in the Roman world, however, was the Colosseum in Rome.

Where did the ancient roman gladiators fight?

Gladiators had fought in the Roman Colosseum, and in other provinces of significant size. For example, in what is now known as Croatia, there still stands a Roman arena used for gladiatorial combat. Gladiators also fought wild beasts, killed prisoners, and performed other acts of violence witnessed by millions of people over the hundreds of years the Roman Republic and Empire existed.

Who were gladiators and what did they do?

In ancient Rome, gladiators fought, often to the death, to entertain crowds of spectators. Gladiators were trained in ludi ([sg. ludus]) to fight well in circuses (or the Colosseum) where the ground surface was covered with blood-absorbing harena 'sand' (hence, the name 'arena').

Did they have female Roman Gladiators?

No, there does not seem to be any female gladiators that are even named, let alone be famous. Most women would use a "stage name" anyhow, as they certainly would not want their family name associated with the lowest form of entertainment. This, of course, is assumed that they were free women who entered the arena voluntarily. The British Museum has a marble of two female gladiators with their names inscribed in Greek as "Amazon" and "Achillia". They are obviously stage names but there is no record of how famous these women were.

What was the name of the building where roman chariot races where held?

The name of the building or arena where the Roman chariot races were held was the Circus Maximus in Rome and the Hippodrome in Byzantium/Constantinople.

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What was the name of the arena where gladiators fought to the death?

Gladiators could fight to the death in all the arenas all over the empire. Some had names, others just were called by the name of the town they were in or near. The most famous arena in the Roman world, however, was the Colosseum in Rome.Gladiators could fight to the death in all the arenas all over the empire. Some had names, others just were called by the name of the town they were in or near. The most famous arena in the Roman world, however, was the Colosseum in Rome.Gladiators could fight to the death in all the arenas all over the empire. Some had names, others just were called by the name of the town they were in or near. The most famous arena in the Roman world, however, was the Colosseum in Rome.Gladiators could fight to the death in all the arenas all over the empire. Some had names, others just were called by the name of the town they were in or near. The most famous arena in the Roman world, however, was the Colosseum in Rome.Gladiators could fight to the death in all the arenas all over the empire. Some had names, others just were called by the name of the town they were in or near. The most famous arena in the Roman world, however, was the Colosseum in Rome.Gladiators could fight to the death in all the arenas all over the empire. Some had names, others just were called by the name of the town they were in or near. The most famous arena in the Roman world, however, was the Colosseum in Rome.Gladiators could fight to the death in all the arenas all over the empire. Some had names, others just were called by the name of the town they were in or near. The most famous arena in the Roman world, however, was the Colosseum in Rome.Gladiators could fight to the death in all the arenas all over the empire. Some had names, others just were called by the name of the town they were in or near. The most famous arena in the Roman world, however, was the Colosseum in Rome.Gladiators could fight to the death in all the arenas all over the empire. Some had names, others just were called by the name of the town they were in or near. The most famous arena in the Roman world, however, was the Colosseum in Rome.

Where did the ancient roman gladiators fight?

Gladiators had fought in the Roman Colosseum, and in other provinces of significant size. For example, in what is now known as Croatia, there still stands a Roman arena used for gladiatorial combat. Gladiators also fought wild beasts, killed prisoners, and performed other acts of violence witnessed by millions of people over the hundreds of years the Roman Republic and Empire existed.

What were the gladiators and what did they do?

In ancient Rome, gladiators fought, often to the death, to entertain crowds of spectators. Gladiators were trained in ludi ([sg. ludus]) to fight well in circuses (or the Colosseum) where the ground surface was covered with blood-absorbing harena 'sand' (hence, the name 'arena').

Who were gladiators and what did they do?

In ancient Rome, gladiators fought, often to the death, to entertain crowds of spectators. Gladiators were trained in ludi ([sg. ludus]) to fight well in circuses (or the Colosseum) where the ground surface was covered with blood-absorbing harena 'sand' (hence, the name 'arena').

Who were the gladiators and what did the do?

In ancient Rome, gladiators fought, often to the death, to entertain crowds of spectators. Gladiators were trained in ludi ([sg. ludus]) to fight well in circuses (or the Colosseum) where the ground surface was covered with blood-absorbing harena 'sand' (hence, the name 'arena').

What is the name of the type of arena that gladiators fought in?

Gladiatorial games were held at the amphitheatre.

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Did they have female Roman Gladiators?

No, there does not seem to be any female gladiators that are even named, let alone be famous. Most women would use a "stage name" anyhow, as they certainly would not want their family name associated with the lowest form of entertainment. This, of course, is assumed that they were free women who entered the arena voluntarily. The British Museum has a marble of two female gladiators with their names inscribed in Greek as "Amazon" and "Achillia". They are obviously stage names but there is no record of how famous these women were.

What is gladiating?

A gladiator was a warrior (usually a slave or prisoner) who competed in various gladiatorial events. They would fight in rings and be pit up against animals, or other gladiators. Usually they fought to the death, but the fate of their lives were determined by the crowd and ultimately, by whomever called the games forth. If a gladiator killed many men, or had done something particularly crowd-pleasing, they would be given a wooden sword to symbolize their freedom.Answer:The preesent word "gladiator" is somewhat of a misnomer as a glasiator sinifies a person who fought with a sworf "gladius"The were many types of men, weapons and styles represented in the ranks of the "Gladiators". These include:Rudiarius (Free men who fought as gladiators for fame and fortuneGladiato Tertiarius (Substitute Gladiators, understudies for famous fighters)Sagittarius (Mounted Bowman)Amazones - Female GladiatorsThey were also divided by their arms and armourThose that were heavily armed:Cataphractarius (Heavily protected gladiator)Gallus (Heavily armed Gladiator )Hoplomachi (Armed Fighters)Provocatores (Challengers Protected by a Breastplate)Samnites: (Large Shields and Plumed Helmets)Secutores (Slashers / Carvers)Scissores (Carvers - Short Swords)Murmillones (Gladius and Shield Gladiator)Those that were lightly armed:Dimachaeri (Gladiators With Two Swords)Thracian (Thrax - Curved Swords)Eques (Horseback And Sword Gladiator)Essedari (War-Chariot Fighters)Laquerarii (Lasso Fighters)Paegniarius: (Whip, Club and Shield Gladiator)Retiarii (Net Fighters)Velites (Fought in groups with SpearsThose thatb were "oddites" or mainly for unusual attributes of "humour"Andabatae (Sight Restricted Gladiators with no eye holes in their helmets)Bestiarii (Beast Fighters including Taurarii or bull fighters)Naumachiarii ( Combatants in Sea-fights which imvolved flooding the fighting area)Praegenarii (Opening Act Gladiators usually of lower quality or "amusement" types)Venatores (Wild Animal Hunters)Paegniarius (Animal Fighters with a Whip)Gadiators could also e defined by how they came to be fighters. These include:Auctorati: Ciizens who fought to pay off debtsTirones gladiatores or Tiro: Gladiator in training trying to make name for themselvesVeteranus (Veterani): The trained (experienced) gladiator.Meridiani: Gladiators specailizing in mid day fights (simiar to opening acts at concertsOrdinarii: The average gladiators, not the super stars.Catervarii: Gladiators in melee fightsNoxii: Criminals who fought instead of facing execution (any chance was better than none)Gladiatores Fiscales: Professional state supported fighters.Gladiatores Postulatitii: The superstars of the gladiatorial world.,The Gladiators were slaves in ancient Rome which would fight to the death against animals and fellow slaves for sheer amusement of the Roman people. If fought and won a lot a Gladiator would be given citizenship.AnswerOriginally they were two men chosen to sword-fight to the death as a funeral rite for an important Roman, with the belief that the slain man would accompany the important Roman in the afterlife. The name gladiator was taken from gladius, the name of the Roman infantry short sword. Later as these games became popular entertainment with several types of gladiators armed in various ways. Gladiators also fought against animals. Although seen rarely, the gladiatrix was a woman who fought in the arena. Very few gladiators were volunteers. They were mostly slaves, convicted criminals, and prisoners of war who were sentenced to be gladiators. They were considered the scum of Roman society, and yet they were highly admired. The least successful gladiators were killed in the arena. The most successful gladiators eventually won their freedom. Not all matches resulted in death for a defeated gladiator, as their training made them too valuable to throw away. As correctly stated by the above answer, the Romans did love the gladiatorial games very much.Gladiators were normally roman slaves or law-breakers who, were trained to fight in an arena. In the arena, they had to fight other gladiators and animals, such as lions. If a gladiator was a very good fighter, he would be rewarded freedom.

What is a gladiators?

A gladiator was a warrior (usually a slave or prisoner) who competed in various gladiatorial events. They would fight in rings and be pit up against animals, or other gladiators. Usually they fought to the death, but the fate of their lives were determined by the crowd and ultimately, by whomever called the games forth. If a gladiator killed many men, or had done something particularly crowd-pleasing, they would be given a wooden sword to symbolize their freedom.Answer:The preesent word "gladiator" is somewhat of a misnomer as a glasiator sinifies a person who fought with a sworf "gladius"The were many types of men, weapons and styles represented in the ranks of the "Gladiators". These include:Rudiarius (Free men who fought as gladiators for fame and fortuneGladiato Tertiarius (Substitute Gladiators, understudies for famous fighters)Sagittarius (Mounted Bowman)Amazones - Female GladiatorsThey were also divided by their arms and armourThose that were heavily armed:Cataphractarius (Heavily protected gladiator)Gallus (Heavily armed Gladiator )Hoplomachi (Armed Fighters)Provocatores (Challengers Protected by a Breastplate)Samnites: (Large Shields and Plumed Helmets)Secutores (Slashers / Carvers)Scissores (Carvers - Short Swords)Murmillones (Gladius and Shield Gladiator)Those that were lightly armed:Dimachaeri (Gladiators With Two Swords)Thracian (Thrax - Curved Swords)Eques (Horseback And Sword Gladiator)Essedari (War-Chariot Fighters)Laquerarii (Lasso Fighters)Paegniarius: (Whip, Club and Shield Gladiator)Retiarii (Net Fighters)Velites (Fought in groups with SpearsThose thatb were "oddites" or mainly for unusual attributes of "humour"Andabatae (Sight Restricted Gladiators with no eye holes in their helmets)Bestiarii (Beast Fighters including Taurarii or bull fighters)Naumachiarii ( Combatants in Sea-fights which imvolved flooding the fighting area)Praegenarii (Opening Act Gladiators usually of lower quality or "amusement" types)Venatores (Wild Animal Hunters)Paegniarius (Animal Fighters with a Whip)Gadiators could also e defined by how they came to be fighters. These include:Auctorati: Ciizens who fought to pay off debtsTirones gladiatores or Tiro: Gladiator in training trying to make name for themselvesVeteranus (Veterani): The trained (experienced) gladiator.Meridiani: Gladiators specailizing in mid day fights (simiar to opening acts at concertsOrdinarii: The average gladiators, not the super stars.Catervarii: Gladiators in melee fightsNoxii: Criminals who fought instead of facing execution (any chance was better than none)Gladiatores Fiscales: Professional state supported fighters.Gladiatores Postulatitii: The superstars of the gladiatorial world.,The Gladiators were slaves in ancient Rome which would fight to the death against animals and fellow slaves for sheer amusement of the Roman people. If fought and won a lot a Gladiator would be given citizenship.AnswerOriginally they were two men chosen to sword-fight to the death as a funeral rite for an important Roman, with the belief that the slain man would accompany the important Roman in the afterlife. The name gladiator was taken from gladius, the name of the Roman infantry short sword. Later as these games became popular entertainment with several types of gladiators armed in various ways. Gladiators also fought against animals. Although seen rarely, the gladiatrix was a woman who fought in the arena. Very few gladiators were volunteers. They were mostly slaves, convicted criminals, and prisoners of war who were sentenced to be gladiators. They were considered the scum of Roman society, and yet they were highly admired. The least successful gladiators were killed in the arena. The most successful gladiators eventually won their freedom. Not all matches resulted in death for a defeated gladiator, as their training made them too valuable to throw away. As correctly stated by the above answer, the Romans did love the gladiatorial games very much.Gladiators were normally roman slaves or law-breakers who, were trained to fight in an arena. In the arena, they had to fight other gladiators and animals, such as lions. If a gladiator was a very good fighter, he would be rewarded freedom.

What was the name of the building where roman chariot races where held?

The name of the building or arena where the Roman chariot races were held was the Circus Maximus in Rome and the Hippodrome in Byzantium/Constantinople.