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Japanese bombers flew at low level over sea to avoid detection when approaching Pearl Harbor for attack. They flew through mountainous passes as well to achieve surprise. Before attacking the harbor they flew through 'Kolekole pass'.

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Q: What is the name of the Pass Japanese bombers flew through to bomb Pearl Harbor?
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What happen to the Pearl Harbor?

It was bombed by Japanese planes (including suicide bombers)

What was the name of the harbor attacked by Japanese bombers on December 71941?

Pearl, HI< USA

How many Japanese fighters and bombers were involved in pearl harbor?

Approximately 300 aircraft.

Which is not a likely reason the Japanese attackef Pearl Harbor?

Because they wanted to test out their new dive bombers.

What did the Japanese travel in to bomb pearl harbor?

The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in bomber planes, fighter planes, submarines, and torpedo bombers. They also planned to use midget submarines but most didn't make it.

Did Pearl Harbor win or lost the attack?

No, the Japanese destroyed almost everything and the better of their bombers got away

On what day did Japanese bombers bomb Pearl Harbor?

The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and a number of other targets on Hawaii and other Pacific locations on December 7, 1941. Then President Franklin Roosevelt called it "A date which will live in infamy."

What was pearl harbor attacked with?

Japanese aircraft bombing at high & low level & torpedo bombers. An attack by midget submarines was thwarted.

Did A6M Zeros bomb Pearl Harbor?

No, they escorted the bombers then strafed the installations around Pearl Harbor.

What was the main event leading World War 2?

In Europe it was the invasion of Poland using the Blitzkrieg Panzer units. For the U.S. in the Pacific Campaign it was Pearl Harbor where Pearl Harbor was bombed by Japanese fighter bombers.