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Q: What is the name of the Ancient Greek mathematician and physicist noted for reserch in Hydrostatics and levers?
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Continue Learning about General History

How did Isaac Newton discover the separation of light?

he stuck sticks in the space between his eye and the socket because he wondered where the colours ccame from. when he did some reserch he found out that colours seperate.he fist thought that white went into every colour but he then discovered that all colours go into white.bye ;)

What were the two most famous french and british generals killed in the french and Indian war?

the two most famous general of the French and Indian war are general Louis-Joseph de Montcalm of the French forces and general James Wolfe of the British forces.

What is Thomas Jefferson's view on jay's treaty?

He thought it could be much stronger for the Americans but George Washington asked him to use his publishing talents to defend it which he did. Hamilton felt that we were still weak as a nation at the time and wanted to keep decent relations with Britain since they were our biggest trading partner. Most of the Jay Treaty was helpful, but not as aggressive as some had wished. The treaty did get approved by Congress and showed that the important objectives were met.

Was William the Conqueror a good or bad man?

He was a good King as he was a strong leader. He killed many people, but he was a good fighter and didn't give up. I like many others would say that from my reserch he is a good King.just because he was a good fighter dosent meen he's a good king because he didn't treat the British as well as he should have eg: he burned down the land and forced the british to build them castles (motte and bailey castles) so for me he's a ok king but could have tried to get the british to like him more! He was crowned on Christmas Day which improved the trust between him and his people because the british were very religios

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What reserch did Charles Darwin reserch?

LOL i do not know!

What is reserch?

Reserch is when you search for stuff on the net and you write it down in a book and you could put your self in the paper and if you do lots of reserch and studying you could go and meet the queen.

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By Reserch funding

Do China have monkeys?

yes it is i just did the reserch.

What can humans use in the desert?

They use it for reserch

What is a good place to reserch sulfur?

A laboratory.

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What is the phone number of the Beaver Cnty Historical Reserch in Freedom Pennsylvania?

The phone number of the Beaver Cnty Historical Reserch is: 724-775-1848.

What animal should you reserch next?

Err... wolves!

What is the french word for reserch?

'research' in french is 'recherche'.

What did Christopher reeve from?

a spinal cord reserch founation

Where is the Beaver Cnty Historical Reserch in Freedom Pennsylvania located?

The address of the Beaver Cnty Historical Reserch is: 1235 3Rd Ave, Freedom, PA 15042-1755