One of it's symbolic references could be courage.
The culture is Japanese
The samurai is a traditional warrior class in Japanese culture, not in Chinese culture.
The crane is considered lucky and sacred. It is often featured in art and is the most famous design in origami.
In modern Japanese culture, the owl or 'Fukuro' symbolizes good luck and happiness.
Panther: Pansaa, or hyou. Black Panther: Kurohyou
Kio or Kioh is on of the seven title a shogui (japanese chess) champion can earn.
The peacock in Japanese culture represents several different things such as caring for others, good will, and compassion. It also symbolizes love and nurturing.
The Japanese meaning of the peony means medicine from china and the root was used in folklore medicine for menstrual cramps, asthma, and convulsions.
this doesn't make sense, can you rephrase the question like; How do i say " something something" in japanese?
One of it's symbolic references could be courage.
The phrase 'snow panther' would be expressed as 雪のパンサー (yuki no pansaa) in Japanese.
Kage no pansā
Kurohyou means black panther in Japanese.
Yes, Japanese culture should be capitalized as it refers to a specific culture from Japan.
Culture is 'bunka' in Japanese.
パンサー Pansā