The liner shiping is mainly associated with containers/crusie/passengers. In this type of shiping the freight rates are fixed. And each small retailer can also participate with his customers consignment.
resumed submarine warfare against neutral shipping
The Lusitania
The Titanic is an ocean liner.
titantic or queen elzabeth I
Although she was launched in 1938, Cunard's QUEEN ELIZABETH was immeadiatlty used for operational service during WW2 before she could make a journey as a liner. she was returned to Cunard at the end of the war and made her maiden voyage as an ocean liner on 16 October 1946.
like a normal busses
shipping fees when shipping by land
Currently only Perma Shipping Line is calling Port is calling Mogadishu on simatech vessels offering only container liner service..
pool point shipping
The answer is 'liner'.
resumed submarine warfare against neutral shipping
the charges of your cargo.
Liner term or full liner term, related to the sea transportation of goods, includes following charges: stowage, lashing and securing of cargo on board, sea transportation from port of shipment to port of destination; unstowing, unlashing and unsecuring of cargo at port of destination.
Liner services specialise in carrying and entertaining passengers from place to place. Tramp services mostly carry mixed cargo down coastlines and will often take passengers if they are no problem and do not expect luxury.
gate in full
the charges of your cargo.