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Five pointed stars of various sizes and colours have been appearing as adornments on the outsides of homes and other buildings, throughout North America, for the last several decades. They have their roots in the "Americana" decorating trend. I have heard any number of reasons for people putting them up, but the most common answer is "I just like it." If the star, sometimes called a "Barn Star," has additional meaning, it is up to the person who hung it to explain it, as those reasons are personal and individual. Could be an Amish barn star or something ...

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Possibly it could be a hex sign to protect the house from evil, but you mostly see hex signs on barns, not houses.

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marriage of church and state.

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Q: What is the meaning of a five pointed star in an upright position on a house or building?
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What positions did ancient Romans eat in?

At formal dinners, the Romans used dining couches and reclined as they ate. It was thought that the reclining position aided digestion, especially if exotic foods were being served. However, for everyday dining they used tables and chairs and sat upright. The public dinners that were given at Saturnalia and after a triumph were all eaten sitting at tables and chairs.At formal dinners, the Romans used dining couches and reclined as they ate. It was thought that the reclining position aided digestion, especially if exotic foods were being served. However, for everyday dining they used tables and chairs and sat upright. The public dinners that were given at Saturnalia and after a triumph were all eaten sitting at tables and chairs.At formal dinners, the Romans used dining couches and reclined as they ate. It was thought that the reclining position aided digestion, especially if exotic foods were being served. However, for everyday dining they used tables and chairs and sat upright. The public dinners that were given at Saturnalia and after a triumph were all eaten sitting at tables and chairs.At formal dinners, the Romans used dining couches and reclined as they ate. It was thought that the reclining position aided digestion, especially if exotic foods were being served. However, for everyday dining they used tables and chairs and sat upright. The public dinners that were given at Saturnalia and after a triumph were all eaten sitting at tables and chairs.At formal dinners, the Romans used dining couches and reclined as they ate. It was thought that the reclining position aided digestion, especially if exotic foods were being served. However, for everyday dining they used tables and chairs and sat upright. The public dinners that were given at Saturnalia and after a triumph were all eaten sitting at tables and chairs.At formal dinners, the Romans used dining couches and reclined as they ate. It was thought that the reclining position aided digestion, especially if exotic foods were being served. However, for everyday dining they used tables and chairs and sat upright. The public dinners that were given at Saturnalia and after a triumph were all eaten sitting at tables and chairs.At formal dinners, the Romans used dining couches and reclined as they ate. It was thought that the reclining position aided digestion, especially if exotic foods were being served. However, for everyday dining they used tables and chairs and sat upright. The public dinners that were given at Saturnalia and after a triumph were all eaten sitting at tables and chairs.At formal dinners, the Romans used dining couches and reclined as they ate. It was thought that the reclining position aided digestion, especially if exotic foods were being served. However, for everyday dining they used tables and chairs and sat upright. The public dinners that were given at Saturnalia and after a triumph were all eaten sitting at tables and chairs.At formal dinners, the Romans used dining couches and reclined as they ate. It was thought that the reclining position aided digestion, especially if exotic foods were being served. However, for everyday dining they used tables and chairs and sat upright. The public dinners that were given at Saturnalia and after a triumph were all eaten sitting at tables and chairs.

What is a characteristic of hominids?

Bipedal locomotion, Upright posture

When and where did baseball player Dixie Upright play?

Dixie Upright debuted on April 18, 1953, playing for the at ; he played his final game on May 10, 1953, playing for the at .

What makes a hominid a hominid?

The main characteristic is that they are bipedal - walk upright.

What is the upright of a sash window called?

The upright of a sash window is called a stile. There is a diagram showing this and the other names of parts of a sash window at `Windows - Window Sash'

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Is upright position an adverb?

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is the position in which you hold your body upright against gravity ,while standing,sitting or lying down... ( diA_aNnE)

What are the 5 basic positions for bed rest?

Upright Position,Recumbent Position,Semi Recumbent Position,Prone Position,Recovery Position .. :))) Hope It help's .

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upright position is the best

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How do Dobermans get pointed ears?

the are cropped... meaning the back part of the ear is cut off. the ear is then tapped upright, often glued to a foam block on top the dogs head or propped upright with sticks, for several months til they heal. Eventually most will stand on their own. However, if the don't receive proper care or sometimes even with proper care they will continue to fold over. this is the same for the pointed ears of boxers and great danes.

Five basic position of arms and feet wpicture?

upright position recombent position semi recombentposition prone position recovery position

What is the meaning is erection?

Upright, or having a vertical position; not inverted; not leaning or bent; not prone; as, to stand erect., Directed upward; raised; uplifted., Bold; confident; free from depression; undismayed., Watchful; alert., Standing upright, with reference to the earth's surface, or to the surface to which it is attached., Elevated, as the tips of wings, heads of serpents, etc., To raise and place in an upright or perpendicular position; to set upright; to raise; as, to erect a pole, a flagstaff, a monument, etc., To raise, as a building; to build; to construct; as, to erect a house or a fort; to set up; to put together the component parts of, as of a machine., To lift up; to elevate; to exalt; to magnify., To animate; to encourage; to cheer., To set up as an assertion or consequence from premises, or the like., To set up or establish; to found; to form; to institute., To rise upright.

What is the meaning of erect?

Upright, or having a vertical position; not inverted; not leaning or bent; not prone; as, to stand erect., Directed upward; raised; uplifted., Bold; confident; free from depression; undismayed., Watchful; alert., Standing upright, with reference to the earth's surface, or to the surface to which it is attached., Elevated, as the tips of wings, heads of serpents, etc., To raise and place in an upright or perpendicular position; to set upright; to raise; as, to erect a pole, a flagstaff, a monument, etc., To raise, as a building; to build; to construct; as, to erect a house or a fort; to set up; to put together the component parts of, as of a machine., To lift up; to elevate; to exalt; to magnify., To animate; to encourage; to cheer., To set up as an assertion or consequence from premises, or the like., To set up or establish; to found; to form; to institute., To rise upright.