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95 Theses written by Martin Luther is considered the catalyst for the protestant reformation in England in the 1500's. It focused on the Catholic church practices.

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Q: What is the main catalyst for the Protestant Reformation in England in the 1500' s?
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The protestant reformation began in the 1500's

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The religious struggles in Europe were the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Counter-Reformation. It led to the establishment of the Jesuits within Catholicism and of several Protestant denominations, including the Lutheran Church and the Church of England.

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The Protestant Revolt, also known as the Protestant Reformation.

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Reformation - the period from about 1500 to about 1700 in Europe that involved the formation of Protestant churches and the struggle for religious freedom.

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Who began the Reformation in the early 1500?

Martin Luther.

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where? when? in England and northern Europe yes in Spain and Italy no. and there werent any protestants until the reformation, so up till 1500+/- your question makes no sense.

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In the year 1500, England was still Catholic.

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Harold John Grimm has written: 'The Reformation era, 1500-1650' -- subject(s): Reformation 'The Reformation in recent historical thought'

When did the Christianity Protestant begin?

Protestantism began with the Protestant Reformation, which began in the 16th century in response to political tensions within the Catholic Church. Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses are usually credited with sparking the Reformation, as they were the first widely-distributed pieces of literature thanks to the newly-invented printing press.

What were some of the effects of the printing revolution in 1500?

It helped to spread the Reformation and it made education more accessible.

What movement led to the reformation in 1500?

Religious thinkers began to question the authority of the Roman Catholic Church.