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The Salem Witchcraft Trials had a large impact on the community. During the time of the trials, no one was around to take care of the crops, resulting in a poor harvest. Those who were accused, and put in jail, stayed in jail due to their lack of food and money. Today, many different scientists are researching what could have caused the girls to have their strange fits, and why the trials even started.

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16y ago
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9y ago

The Salem Witch Trials of 1692-1693 have had a lasting impact on Western, and particularly American, Culture. Without overlooking its influence on ordinary linguistics (including jokes, proverbs, and sayings) and also the arts (including both personages and themes), these trials continue to whisper a socio-political, legal, and even philosophical reminder of sorts: where an accusation is allowed uncritical space in which to be made and granted untempered time in which to grow, injustice is likely to follow -- perhaps even violence, as well.

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12y ago

The Salem Witch Trials did not really have that much of an impact on American laws. It happened a very long time ago, and most people did not think much of it at the time. They did what felt normal to them. They wanted to protect themselves.

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13y ago

They caused the country to go into anacry!

Change the US Legal System into what it has become today

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12y ago

in a bad way

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Where were the Salem witch trials?

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Salem witch trials 1603 - 1606?

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No. How could a town founded 60 years after the trials ended have had them? The Salem Witch Trials took place in Salem, Massachusetts.

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Some recommended books about the Salem witch trials are "The Witches: Salem, 1692" by Stacy Schiff, "A Storm of Witchcraft: The Salem Trials and the American Experience" by Emerson W. Baker, and "The Devil in the Shape of a Woman" by Carol F. Karlsen.

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In Salem, Massachussets............. Salem Village

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They happened in Salem.

Were did the Salem witch trials start?

Salem, Massachusetts

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The Salem Witch Trials were a series of real historical events in Salem, Massaschusetts in 1692, NOT A STORY!