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The Gestapo are the police.

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Q: What is the gestapo in Anne Frank?
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How old was Anne Frank after captured by Gestapo?


Who captured Anne Frank's family?

Gestapo sent them to a camp

Who were the secret police in Anne Frank's Diary?

The secret police were the Gestapo's.

When was Anne Frank esaped?

She didn't. they were caught by the Gestapo 7 she died in a camp.

What were the cops called during when Anne Frank went into hiding?

the patrol that was on in Anne franks time were called the gestapo

Who were the green police in the Diary of Anne Frank?

The Gestapo (they got the name from the color of their uniforms).

Why did anne run away?

Ann Frank and her family went into hiding so that the Gestapo wouldn't find them.

How old was Anne Frank when captured?

Anne Frank was captured by the Nazis at the age of 15.

How did anne frank get aressted?

Somebody from the outside world called the Gestapo, saying he thinks there are Jews hiding. They arrested them and took them into the Gestapo headquarters for questioning. Then, they were all taken to Auschwitz.

How did Anne Frank Get aught?

Anne Frank and her family were discovered and arrested by the Gestapo, the Nazi secret police, in August 1944. They were betrayed by an informant who revealed their hiding place in Amsterdam. Anne and her family were then taken to concentration camps, where Anne ultimately died of typhus in Bergen-Belsen in 1945.

Why Anne Frank get capture in to concentration camp?

anne frank got caught because she was a Jewish girl so at that time the Jewish were not like by Hitler the leader of the Nazis. that's why she was caught by the gestapo in the annex

Why did Anne Frank's dad decide to move to the Netherlands turn out badly?

Someone told Gestapo where they were hiding. It's not known who told.