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Q: What is the full form of wap in ration card?
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What is the favorite music of Napoleon Bonaparte?

For the music at his coronation he commissioned Giovanni Paissiello. He wrote the Mass and Te Deum. He also let people play the vivat and Marches by Lesueur, who composed music especially for him.

What words can be made from letters a h u l l n o p p q r w?

2-letter wordsah, al, an, ar, aw, ha, ho, la, lo, na, no, nu, oh, on, op, or, ow, pa, uh, un, up, wo3-letter wordsall, alp, awl, awn, hao, hap, haw, hon, hop, how, hun, hup, lap, lar, law, lop, low, nah, nap, naw, noh, nor, now, oar, ora, our, owl, own, pah, pal, pan, pap, par, paw, poh, pol, pop, pow, pro, pul, pun, pup, pur, qua, rah, ran, rap, raw, rho, row, run, upo, urn, wan, wap, war, wha, who, won4-letter wordsalow, awol, hall, halo, harl, harp, haul, hoar, holp, hora, horn, hour, howl, hula, hull, hurl, hwan, lawn, loan, lorn, loup, lour, lown, luna, null, nurl, olla, opah, opal, oral, ouph, pall, palp, pawl, pawn, phon, plan, plop, plow, poll, porn, pour, prao, prau, proa, prop, prow, pula, pull, pulp, puna, pupa, purl, qoph, roan, roll, roup, ulan, ulna, upon, wall, warn, warp, waul, waur, whap, whoa, whop, worn, wrap5-letter wordsahull, allow, apron, hallo, holla, horal, hullo, llano, loral, loran, lunar, nopal, parol, polar, prahu, prawn, prowl, pupal, ralph, rowan, uhlan, ulnar, ulpan, whaup, whorl6-letter wordshallow, hulloa, nullah, orphan, pallor, pawnor, phonal, plural, poplar, prolan, pulpal, unroll, unwrap, wallop7-letter wordsalphorn, popular8-letter wordsunhallow193 words found.

Related questions

What is the full form of wap?

WAP is Wireless Application Protocol

What is WAP in ration card?

WAP in ration card stands for Wheat Atta and Paddy. It refers to the allocation of subsidized food items like wheat flour (atta) and rice (paddy) provided to eligible households through the public distribution system in India. The WAP scheme aims to ensure food security for vulnerable populations by offering essential food grains at affordable prices.

What are these type of ration cards wap pap aap yap?

bigan ke skimma nikal tey nai malam hamarku bhi jao

What is a wap code?

Samsung s5233 wap code

How do i get wap on my phone?

To get wap on your mobile phone, simply get in touch with your service provider. The provider will give you instructions on how to get wap.

What are rain sleet hail and snow a form of?

They are all forms of precipitation, which is any form of water, liquid or solid, that falls from the atmosphere to the Earth's surface. Each type of precipitation forms under different weather conditions and temperatures.

What are the feature of WAP?

What are the feature of WAP?"

What is Fetty Wap's occupation?

Fetty Wap is a/an Rapper singer songwriter

When was Fetty wap born?

Fetty Wap was born on June 07, 1991

When is Fetty Wap's birthday?

Fetty Wap was born on June 07, 1991

Examples of WAP devices?

See here:

How do you make my own wap chat site?

WAP sites are websites that are written in, or dynamically converted to, WML (Wireless Markup Language) and accessed via the WAP browser. A WAP chat site will allow you to chat with people from all around the world through the convenience of your WAP mobile device. With WAP Chatrooms you can make a place(s), where WAP users can chat in real time. You can set up a range of chat rooms so that your guests can find people who have similar interests.