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Q: What is the french term for dining outside?
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French word for dining room?

the dining room is 'la salle à manger' in French.

What is 'al fresco' dining when translated from Italian and Spanish to English?

Al fresco dining in Italian and Spanish means dining "outside" in English.

How much does it cost to french polish a dining table?

For a large dining table and six chairs to be french polished I was quoted $3,800.00

When posting the colors in the dining area where does the color guard form?

outside the entrance to the dining area

When posting the colors in a dining area here does the color guard form?

Outside the entrance to the dining area

How do you say fine dining restaurant in French?

Un restaurant gastronomique Un restaurant trois étoiles Michelin

What is the roman name for dining room?

A large communal dining area can be called a dining hallor an eating hall. A very small one, which is actually part of some other room (such as the kitchen) is called a nook.If you wanted to be extra fancy, you could always use the French term instead: salle à manger (which literally means, 'room for dining'.)

How do you say Delicious Dining in french?

cuisine délicieuse

What are the release dates for Take It Outside - 2006 Rose and Salmon's Living Dining?

Take It Outside - 2006 Rose and Salmon's Living Dining was released on: USA: 26 June 2007

What are the release dates for Take It Outside - 2006 Tony and Laura's Kitchen Dining?

Take It Outside - 2006 Tony and Laura's Kitchen Dining was released on: USA: 12 September 2006

What the term for a dining hall within monasteries?

A refectory

What is the difference between normal dining sets and garden dining sets?

Garden dining sets, as the name suggest, are made more for the outdoors. They tend to be a little more durable for the outside conditions than a traditional dining set.