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The flank of a cat is a part on its body. It is the fleshy area of the side between the ribs and hip in cats it has greater depth than in other breeds, causing considerable depth to the body when viewed from the side.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

Whether human, dog, or cat, the "flank" is the area on the side on the body on both sides. One kidney sits in the "flank" area. While humans can experience "flank pain", such as from a kidney infection, it is unknown what kinds of pains animals experience. Cats in particular tend to hide their pain.

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The 'flank' is the side of the body.

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The "flank" when referred to in these terms means the side or sides. Therefore you would be instructed to protect the left or right flank (side) or to protect the flank (both side)

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Use ICD code 789.09 for flank pain because flank is a part of the abdomen.

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Other words for flank are lateral or side.

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It would be what you call the NEARSIDE

Use flank in a sentence?

The soldiers prepared to flank the enemy from both sides during the battle.

What part of an animal is the flank?

There are many sites online that have incorrect information on what part of the animal is the flank. In reality the flank of an animal is, generally, the side of the animal.

Make a simple sentence for flank?

Flank can mean a few things in English, all coming from the main meaning 'side', or 'edge'.Flank can be used in military terms as a verb, or to describe a position on the battlefield. It can also refer to the piece of meat found on the side of an animal.Get around the back and flank them! We need to attack them from both sides!They're attacking our flank sire, what shall we do!?One fatty flank of beef please.

A sentence for flank?

Come home early for dinner, we're having flank steak.

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