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The Latin alphabet of Rome had 23 letters, and the English alphabet uses 26 letters.

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Dima D.

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3y ago
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6y ago

The Modern Latin (Roman) Alphabet is exactly the same as the English Alphabet.

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Q: What is the difference between roman and English alphabet?
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Who inspired the English alphabet?

Nobody. English uses the Roman alphabet, which was inspired by the Greek alphabet.

Is the American alphabet and the roman alphabet the same?

Technically, there is no such thing as the American alphabet, but the English language does use the Roman alphabet.

Is the Romanian Alphabet the same as the Roman alphabet?

There is no Roman alphabet. It's called the Latin alphabet, and yes, the Romanian alphabet is a variety of the Latin alphabet, just as English is.

Why is the roman alphabet important?

English, the universal language of the globe today, uses the Roman Alphabet.

Is it true or false the Roman alphabet preceded the English alphabet?


What is the Difference between the phonetic symbols of the International Phonetic Alphabet and the 26 letters of the Roman alphabet used to write English?

The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) uses symbols to represent speech sounds, while the Roman alphabet is used to write English letters. The IPA provides a specific symbol for each unique sound in any language, whereas the Roman alphabet has a limited number of letters that represent both sounds and spelling conventions in English. IPA symbols aim to accurately represent any language's sounds, while the Roman alphabet is specific to English and may not capture the nuances of pronunciation in other languages.

How did the Phoenician alphabet influence the alphabet used for English today?

It was modified into Greek and Roman alphabets, and so is a basic fore-runner of the English alphabet.

Does Sweden use the same alphabet for writing as you do in English?

Not exactly. Swedish is written in a modified Roman alphabet, as English is. But it has certain diacritical marks that are absent from the alphabet used to write English.

What is it called when a different language is written with English alphabet?

The English Language uses the Roman Alphabet. Normally it is not noted when another language is written using the Roman Alphabet. Sometimes it is noted when referring to the Romanian Language. In Romania, the Roman Alphabet is used. In Moldavia, the Cyrillic Alphabet is used for the same language. Since all Western European Languages, except for Greek, use the Roman Alphabet, normally no one mentions it.

What language does the English alphabet com from?

The Latin Alphabet (somewhat erroneously called the Roman Alphabet).

Was the English alhabet based on the Greek one or did they both copy another alphabet?

The alphabet used to write English is based on the Roman alphabet, which was derived from the Etruscan form of the Greek alphabet, which itself was modified from the original Phoenician alphabet.

What is roman block capital?

Capital letters using the English Alphabet.