Concentration camps and labor camps are both types of detention facilities, but they serve different purposes. Concentration camps are primarily used for the internment of specific groups of people based on their ethnicity, religion, or political beliefs, with the goal of persecution and extermination. Labor camps, on the other hand, are intended for forced labor and often used for economic exploitation, with detainees being forced to work under harsh conditions for the benefit of the detaining authority. While both types of camps involve human rights abuses, the key distinction lies in their primary objectives: persecution in concentration camps and forced labor in labor camps.
A labor camp was basically a sort of special prison where inmates were forced to do hard labor.
"Concentration camp" is the larger umbrella term for all Nazi-run camps (the term actually predates Nazism). Subtypes of concentration camps include labor camps, transit camps (where inmates are collected and transferred elsewhere), prisoner of war camps (where captured enemy soldiers were kept) and extermination or death camps (where inmates were simply killed).
Most concentration camps were harsh forced labour and punishment camps, where prisoners were ill treated and inadequately fed. At some camps - the very harshest - prisoners were systematically worked to death. The extermination camps had a different purpose - to kill most new arrivals (usually by gassing) as soon as possible. Please see the related question.
Concentration camps were used for forced prison labor, while extermination camps were built to kill all prisoners.
Here are few Labor Camps which the Nazis used during the Holocaust.Alderney Labor CampArbietsdorf Labor CampBuchenwald Labor CampDachau Labor CampFlossenburg Labor CampPlaszow Labor CampRavensbruck Labor CampSachsenhausen Labor CampPlease see related link for more Labor Camps including Concentration Camps and Extermination Camp.
People with a Polish background were often sent to both Nazi concentration camps and Soviet labor camps. Both Germany and the Soviet Union wanted control of Poland.
No. Historians distiguish between #1 extermination campsand #2 ordinary concentration camps. The extermination camps were killing centres and served no other function and had very few survivors. Conditions at concentration camps varied and many inmates survived.Please see the related question.
Yes, conditions in both kinds of camps were generally appalling.
Concentration camps were used for forced prison labor, while extermination camps were built to kill all prisoners.
labor and concentration camps
Here are few Labor Camps which the Nazis used during the Holocaust.Alderney Labor CampArbietsdorf Labor CampBuchenwald Labor CampDachau Labor CampFlossenburg Labor CampPlaszow Labor CampRavensbruck Labor CampSachsenhausen Labor CampPlease see related link for more Labor Camps including Concentration Camps and Extermination Camp.
Hard physical labor.
People with a Polish background were often sent to both Nazi concentration camps and Soviet labor camps. Both Germany and the Soviet Union wanted control of Poland.
No. Historians distiguish between #1 extermination campsand #2 ordinary concentration camps. The extermination camps were killing centres and served no other function and had very few survivors. Conditions at concentration camps varied and many inmates survived.Please see the related question.
Yes, conditions in both kinds of camps were generally appalling.
Roll call area inside concentration, labor and death camps
A prisoner in charge at the camps (concentration camps, death camps, forced labor camps) during the Holocaust. These people were typically non-Jewish (Jews were treated the worst in the camps).
They sent the Jews to concentration camps. There were many of these camps. At certain camps, they just strictly killed them. At others, they forced them to do hard labor. Thousands died because of little food and water, they were put into gas chambers, they got very ill, or they were put to work to hard. These concentration camps were pure torture, and were horrible.
The company used worked labor and that was a crime.
They died in the Nazi Concentration camps, death marches between camps or general didn't survive when escaped. Most deaths occurred at the Nazi Concentration camps. There are differnet kinds of camps:Concentration, Death, Extermination, Transition and Labor camps. Each kind of camps has got it's own purpose such as holding people or killing them in mass numbers.