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The Declaration of Independence day in roman numerals

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Q: What is the date on the statue of libertys' book?
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What is in the statue of libertys right hand?

the tourch is in her right hand. and the book is in her left hand

Is the statue of libertys head hollow?

Yes, the entire statue is hollow.

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What is the statue of libertys full?

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What is on the Statue of Libertys head?

a crown on her head

What is the statue of libertys birthday?

October 28 1886

When is the Statue of Libertys birtrhday?

In America the birthday of the Statue of Liberty is October 28, 1886.

The statue of libertys hand is how many feet?

The Statue of Liberty 500 ft long on hand

What does the tablet in the Statue of Libertys hand read?

The inscription on the tablet in her left hand reads: July lV, MDCCLXXVl. The date that the Declaration of Independence was signed

How long is the statue of libertys index finger?

8 feet long.

Where is the Statue of Libertys location at?

New York close to Long Island