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The cause of rise in independent regional powers after the decline of the Mughal Empire was the emergence of Successor States to the Mughals.

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Q: What is the cause of rise in independent regional powers after the decline of the mugal empire?
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What was the reason for the decline and fall of the egyptians empire?

They could not stand up to the other great powers of the Middle East. They were invaded by the Assyrians. They became independent from, but allied with the Assyrians. When the Assyrian empire crumbled, Egypt was conquered by the Persians and annexed into the Persian empire. Later, it was conquered by Alexander the great and was ruled by the Greek Ptolemaic dynasty.

What factors worked against unification in both Germany and Italy?

Major European powers fought to keep independent states from unifying

Which was involved in Allied Powers and the Central Powers?

During World War 1, the Allies were Great Britain, France, Russia, and Italy. The Central Powers were the countries of Germany, the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria.

Why did the Quig dynasty decline and ultimately collapse and what role did the western powers play in this process?

It decline because of the humiliated and harassed by the western powers, the Quin dynasty collapsed. Also the intense external pressure applied to Chinese society by modern West, and internal changes also played a role on the decline of the Quin dynasty.

What caused the byzantine empire to decline?

Besides the Ottoman invasion and conquest in 1453, you mean? Well, since it had become the richest empire in Europe it had brought about the envy of other regional powers. The Venetian Republic had even tricked, conquered and plundered Byzantium approximately 2 centuries earlier (much of Venice's riches come in fact from Byzantium), on the pretext of preparing for yet another crusade. I believe they were not the only crusaders to behave in this way.

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What was the reason for the decline and fall of the egyptians empire?

They could not stand up to the other great powers of the Middle East. They were invaded by the Assyrians. They became independent from, but allied with the Assyrians. When the Assyrian empire crumbled, Egypt was conquered by the Persians and annexed into the Persian empire. Later, it was conquered by Alexander the great and was ruled by the Greek Ptolemaic dynasty.

What are subordinate legislative powers?

Lawmaking powers that are delegated to regional assemblies.

How did turkey change as result of world war 1?

Answer this question…It went from controlling a powerful empire to forming an independent republic.

What powers mean that each branch of government is independent?

"Separation of powers," Means that each branch of government is independent

Who were the main central powers?

Austrian-Hungarian Empire, The German Empire, and the Ottoman Empire were the main Central Powers.

What countries were the major powers in the allied powers?

British Empire, French Empire, and United States of America

Is french a part of the central powers?

No, the Central Powers consisted of the German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Kingdom of Bulgaria.

What other powers are held by an independent government?

Powers such as taxation & meetings

Which 4 coutries made up the centeral powers?

Central Powers included the Ottoman Empire, the German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the Kingdom of Bulgaria.

Who were the allies and who were the central powers?

The Central Powers were Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria. The Allied Powers were Britain (with its empire), France, Russia, Italy, the US and Japan.

What four powers made up the central powers at the beginning of ww1?

There were only 3 German Empire Austria-Hungry Empire Ottoman Empire NO! there are 4 Germany, Austria Hungary, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire