those r submachine guns.... the best machine gun is the 7.62 (i think it was called that). it is a revolving machine gue use on heli s and tanks
It's when a machine gun enters the nose.
Machine Gun Corps ended in 1922.
the F-117 dose not have machine gun
No. Machine Gun Kelly has never killed anyone. But his favorite Gun is a Tommy kepsake machine Gun which he is said to have only fired at tin cans
The aircraft mounted machine gun was at first simply a ground machine mounted for a gunner to fire. All sides in WW1 used it. The first successful machine gun fired by a pilot was the Lewis machine gun on a special mounting attached to the top wing, allowing the gun to fire over the propellor.
the G18 The G18 is a machine pistol, not a machine gun. Which category do you mean : LMGs, SMGs
All around best gun for me would be 'This Machine'.
machine gun3 machine gun3 machine gun 3 machine gun 3
an uzi
machine gun (:>
what ever if i deleting those ok here the weapon look down the a gun named find it what ever you want . :) American machine gun : Lewis machine gun , BAR Rifle , Chauchat machine gun , Hotchkiss M1909 Benet-Mercie machine gun awnswer : yes America weapon are best of all !!!!!!!!!
All of them - if a machine gun needs a part to function, then you'd better believe it's as good as any other.
light machine gun is the m249 a medium machine gun is the m240 and the heavy machine gun is the browning m2 50. cal machine gun
gau-19 is the best gun ever it fires 1000 rounds in 20 seconds beat that!!!
a machine gun and a bazooka.
wgp worr machine