The average would be around 60-65. The youngest Viet War vet might be around 52 years old. Since the war ended in '75, some US Marines/Airmen/Sailors were 17 years old when they helped evacuate Saigon during it's fall in April '75. Many of the older Viet War vets, the WWII generation have passed on: GEN Curtis LeMay, Creighton Abrams, William Westermoreland, Robin Olds, to name a few. These men were in their 40's when they fought in Vietnam. It's interesting to note, that the Vietnam War was fought by WWII doctrine and tactics, because Vietnam was "conducted" by WWII veterans. Today's Viet Vets (the 60ish group) were teenage and early twenties privates fighting under WWII veteran's supervision.
365 days.
The Vietnamese civilization began in the early Bronze age some time around 2,000 BC.
VFW-Veterans of Foreign Wars, founded by Spanish-American War of 1898 veterans in 1899. American Legion-founded by WWI veterans in 1919. AMVETS-American Veterans, founded by WWII veterans in 1944. VVA-Vietnam Veterans of America, founded by Vietnam War veterans in 1978.
Oregon Vietnam Veterans Memorial was created in 1987.
Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation was created in 1980.
365 days.
The Vietnamese civilization began in the early Bronze age some time around 2,000 BC.
What are you talking about? Vietnam veterans always had rights.
Vietnam veterans
Vietnam Veterans of America was created in 1978.
how many vietnam veterans in nc
They built their own Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall.
VFW-Veterans of Foreign Wars, founded by Spanish-American War of 1898 veterans in 1899. American Legion-founded by WWI veterans in 1919. AMVETS-American Veterans, founded by WWII veterans in 1944. VVA-Vietnam Veterans of America, founded by Vietnam War veterans in 1978.
march to welcome home Vietnam veterans
There is no fee required to enter the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
Oregon Vietnam Veterans Memorial was created in 1987.
Vietnam Veterans Against the War was created in 1967.