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Q: What is the art of painting in harappan civilisation?
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What is the other name of Indus valley civilisation?

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Why is the term Harappan culture used for the entire indus valley civilisation?

Because both of civilisation

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Find Harappan Civilisation Artefacts?

You just go Internet and find then, OK!

What is the ancient culture that developed in the Indus River valley called?

They are called the Indus Valley Civilisation consisting of the Harappan civilisation among others.

What is the difference between the drainage system at the times of harappan civilisation and the modern drainage system?

The drainage system of harappan civilization was very well civilized system

What artistic form did the ancient Romans borrow from the minion civilization?

The Romans did not borrow anything art form the Minoan civilisation because this civilisation was around much earlier than Rome. The Romans borrowed later art forms: Classical and Hellenistic.

Why indus valley civilization was called harrapan civilization?

when the indus valley civilisation was unerthened lots of human skeleton was found at many places therefore it was also called harappan civilisation.

What is the harappan art?

Many fine examples of Harappan art can be found on the stamp seals made by people of the Indus Valley Civilization, which lasted from 3300 BC to 1900 BC in South Asia. The seals were usually made of baked clay or steatite (soapstone). Other examples of Harappan art include stone and bronze statues and painted pottery. To see examples of Harappan seals, go to 'Indus Script Dictionary' on Facebook.

How do you understand that the harappan people knew the art of writing?

Writing has been found on various Harappan objects, such as stamp seals, pots, bangles and an ax.

Why is the arts important in a civilization?

Culture plays a key role in determining the social features of a civilisation and is crucial to understand these features and the outlook and beliefs and attitudes of a civilisation. Literature and art are a product and a reflection of the culture of a civilisation and contribute to understanding them.

What is facts about art?

Art is painting's and pretty things that is art!