The short version is, there IS NO Army Reg that explicitly lays out parking, such as authorized reserved spaces, etc. AR 190-5 briefly covers parking as part of MP Traffic Control. HOWEVER, every post has it's own version of 190-5 (such as Ft. Hood Reg 190-5, etc.), that lays out the post policies for parking, and most of those DO authorize certain reserved parking spots, such as for general officers, etc, which are enforceable (MPs will ticket / tow you). Having said that, the Americans With Disabilities Act DOES authorize handicapped parking, with certain established guidelines, and as this is Federal law, DoD and the Army also enforce this.
Hope this helps,
Angry MAJ, Ft. Huachuca
Army Regulation 600-85
Army Regulation 601-210 covers Active and Reserve Components Enlistment Army Regulation 601-280 covers Army Rentention Program
Army Bands.
General Order One says "I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved."
Always come to a full stop before parking and park in only designated motorcycle spaces.
Army Regulation 530-1 and Army Regulation 25-1
Army Regulation 690-950
I don't thing that the Hungarian army has a regulation 2550.
Army Regulation 600-82
It depends which army you mean
Army Regulation 600-85
Army Regulation 601-210 covers Active and Reserve Components Enlistment Army Regulation 601-280 covers Army Rentention Program
Army Bands.
To cite Army regulations in APA format, include the regulation number, title, and publication date. For example: Department of the Army. (Year). Title of Regulation (Regulation No. XXXX).
Army Regulation 614-200, Enlisted Assignments And Utilization Management