DE is the abbreviation of Germany. SUI is FIFA Country Code for Switzerland.
NAZI, in Germany, is an abbreviation for Nationalsozialismus,which translates into English as National Socialism (Nazism).
what country did Germany took
Yes, Germany was an imperialist country.
DE is the abbreviation of Germany. SUI is FIFA Country Code for Switzerland.
DE is the abbreviation for Germany, which in German is called "Deutschland". So the abbreviation "DE" comes from the first two letters of the German name for their country.
Munich, Germany. The name is abbreviation for Bavarische Motor Werke.
The internet abbreviation is: .de The abbreviation for vehicles is: D
Germany - the term is an abbreviation of the German word for submarine, "Unterseeboot", or "Undersea Boat".
YE is the country abbreviation for Yemen.
Country Abbreviation for Nassau, Bahamas
There is no a full name of any European country. It might be a part of a name - say Man standing for the Isle of Man (between UK and Ireland). Most probably it's an abbreviation; Germany uses the abbreviation FRG.
The country with the abbreviation MOR is Morocco.
El is the country abbreviation for the country of El Salvador.
SUI is the French abbreviation for Switzerland, Sz is for Germany, and CH the Latin abbreviation which is the official abbreviation for Switzerland. It depends on the issue: Official country abbreviation is only 'CH' (confoederatio helvetica). As postal code addition or car identifier, etc. This is equivalent to what other countries use... i.e. 'F' for France, 'D' for Germany... In sports the official abbreviation of Switzerland is 'SUI' (from Suisse, french for Switzerland). This is equivalent to what other countries use... i.e. 'FRA' for France, 'GER' for Germany... You may find differences... but this should be used for the specific issues.