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The Rule of Four means four of the nine justices must agree to hear a case in order for it to be accepted on appeal. If four or more justices think the case is worth the Court's time, then the Supreme Court will issue a writ of certiorari to the lower court ordering them to send the case files to the Supreme Court, and the case will be placed on the docket.

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Q: What is the Rule of Four in the US Supreme Court?
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What lower court does the US Supreme Court have the right to review decision made?

ALL lower courts, both state and federal, can be reviewed by the Supreme Court. Every court in the nation is subordinate to the US Supreme Court.

How was the US Supreme Court perceived before John Marshall's tenure as Chief Justice?

The Judicial Branch in general, and the US Supreme Court, in particular, were perceived as weak.

Who won the US Supreme Court case Schenck v. US?

The US won

Was Justice Sotomayor the first woman to serve on the US Supreme Court?

No, Justice Sonia Sotomayor is the third woman appointed to the US Supreme Court. President Reagan appointed Sandra Day O'Connor as the first woman to serve on the Court in 1981; President Clinton appointed Ruth Bader Ginsberg in 1993; President Obama appointed Sonia Sotomayor in 2009 and Elena Kagan in 2010. In all, four women have served on the US Supreme Court; three are still active.

What if a state declares a law unconstitutional and void?

If a state court declares a state law unconstitutional, the state will probably appeal the case to the state supreme court. If a state court declares a federal law unconstitutional, the losing party in the case will appeal the decision in the federal courts. The case could ultimately be heard by the US Supreme Court; however, if a lower court reverses the state court's decision and either the appropriate US Court of Appeals Circuit Court or US Supreme Court decline to consider the case, the decision of the lower federal court would be final. The US Supreme Court is the ultimate arbiter of constitutionality.

Related questions

How many US Supreme Court justices must agree to hear an appeal?

The US Supreme Court determines whether to hear a case according to the Rule of Four. If at least four of the nine Justices of the Supreme Court agree, they will grant certiorari and hear the case.

What is the rule of four in the supreme court?

The Rule of Four has nothing to do with arguing before the US Supreme Court. It refers to the number of US Supreme Court justices who must agree to hear a case before the case can be accepted on appeal. If four justices sign off on a petition for writ of certiorari (request for review), the case will be added to the Court's docket. For more information, see Related Questions, below.

Who can rule that federal laws are unconstitutional?

(Supreme Court)

How many justices will have to agree before the Court will accept a case?

The US Supreme Court determines whether to hear a case according to the Rule of Four. If at least four of the nine Justices of the Supreme Court agree, they will grant certiorari and hear the case.

How many cases did the US Supreme Court rule on in 1978?

The US Supreme Court disposed of 145 cases in 1978, hearing arguments in 141 of them.

The US Supreme Court has declined to extend the exclusionary rule to searches conducted by whom?

The Supreme Court created an exception to the exclusionary rule for searches conducted by school administrators.

What is the most important source of the US Supreme Court's caseload?

According to the Supreme Court Rules, Rule 10, the most important source is the US Court of Appeals Circuit Courts.

In what year did the US Supreme Court extend the exclusionary rule to the States?

1961The US Supreme Court extended the exclusionary rule to the state as a result of their decision in Mapp v. Ohio, 367 US 643 (1961). The rule was originally created and applied to the federal government in Weeks v. US, (1914).

What us the importance of the supreme court?

so the few can over rule the majority .

Which rule of law is the US Constitution above?


What is the highest court in the US?

The US Supreme Court is the highest court in the US. Each state has its own Supreme Court, but the US Supreme Court is the end of the line.

Who do US Supreme Court justices serve?

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