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hating someone else because color/ race. whites hating blacks blacks hating whites got it?

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Q: What is racial hatred?
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Anti-Semitism is the racial hatred of Jews.

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The basic aims of the NAACP is:Protest with legal means to achieve equalityEnsure political, educational, social and economic equality rights of all personsEliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination

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What can you do to stop racial hatred?

racial hatred cannot be stopped. Sadly, we cannot make other people see things that we see. We can't make them think what we think ; not all the time. Answer My thought on this is that people can improve their flexibility of thought and look at others as People. We have good and bad of all types and sizes and color and inclination.Taking the written word and applying it is not as productive in relationships as it is in math.Racial hatred is not illegal but inciting racial hatred is.

2 What does Martin Luther king mean by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred?

Their government shows bitterness to white people and racial hatred to black people.

What races hate each other?

Pretty much every ethnic, national, or racial group has despised or hated a different racial group and received hatred back in turn.

What is a Nicca?

It is a slur of a common racial slur. Some young people use this spelling to get around word filters. They use it for both "bonding" uses of the word and to express racial hatred.

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Brigitte Bardot

What was Adolf Hitler's legacy?

His legacy was that he created a whole new level of evil and racial hatred, most of which still exists today.