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Q: What is modern name for ancient city of Samaria?
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What is the name of an ancient Palestinian City?

Samaria - hence Samaritan

What is the modern name for Constantinople?

The ancient city of Constantinople has morphed into Istanbul.The ancient city of Constantinople has morphed into Istanbul.The ancient city of Constantinople has morphed into Istanbul.The ancient city of Constantinople has morphed into Istanbul.The ancient city of Constantinople has morphed into Istanbul.The ancient city of Constantinople has morphed into Istanbul.The ancient city of Constantinople has morphed into Istanbul.The ancient city of Constantinople has morphed into Istanbul.The ancient city of Constantinople has morphed into Istanbul.

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In ancient Rome this was the name of the modern Italian city of Modena.

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Modern Sparta (Sparti) is the city in the same place as Ancient Sparta in the region of Laconia. It's current population is 35,259, of whom 17,408 lived in the city itself.

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Samaria was the name of mountainous region in ancient Palestine. That region today is known as the West Bank.

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Hippo Regius is the ancient name of the modern city of Annaba, in Algeria.

What is the modern name for ancient Judea?

The same it used to be 3,000 years ago: Judah and Israel. Judah is a part of Israel, and the capital of Isael- Jerusalem- is situated in Judah.

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Who was Ted - that is a modern name unknown to the ancient Greeks.

What was byzantium eventually named?

Today's modern day name for the ancient Greek city of Byzantium is Istanbul

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the ancient name was "Mesopotamia"

Is Byzantium in Europe?

Byzantium is an ancient name for the modern city of Istanbul. Part of Istanbul is in Europe and part of it is in Asia.

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marina is a modern name for a new villgae built in the 1990,leukaspis is the name of the ancient city that was on the same site.