

What is manifest dynasty?

Updated: 8/19/2022
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15y ago

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Manifest Dynasty is the expansion of the United States during the 19th Century.

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Q: What is manifest dynasty?
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What are the manifest destiny vocabulary words?


What issue arose with the idea of manifest destiny?


Which dynasty controlled more land?

Here are the largest dynasties by land area. Note that all dynasties are listed here, not just Chinese. This list is by land area measured in millions of square kilometers:Yuan dynasty 14.0Qing dynasty 13.1Ming dynasty 6.5Han dynasty 6.5Tang dynasty 5.5Northern Yuan dynasty 5.0Xin dynasty 4.7Afsharid dynasty 4.5Qajar dynasty 3.0Northern Song Dynasty 3.5Safavid dynasty 3.5Western Jin dynasty 3.5Tughlaq dynasty 3.2Karkota Dynasty of Kashmir 3.09Sui Dynasty 3.1Samanid dynasty 2.85Eastern Jin dynasty 2.8Liu Song dynasty 2.8Maratha Empire 2.8Qin dynasty 2.8Khilji dynasty 2.7Liao dynasty 2.6Jurchen Jin dynasty 2.3Later Zhao dynasty 2.5Southern Qi dynasty 2.3Southern Song dynasty 2.1Wei dynasty 2.0Earlier Zhao dynasty 2.0Former Qin dynasty 2.0Northern Wei dynasty 2.0Saffarid dynasty, Iran 2.0Rashtrakuta dynasty 1.7Wu Dynasty 1.5Northern Zhou Dynasty 1.5Nanda Dynasty 1.5Idrisid dynasty, Morocco 1.5Zand dynasty 1.4Liang Dynasty 1.3Western Wei Dynasty 1.3Later Liang 1.3Later Tang 1.3Taungoo Dynasty 1.3Shang Dynasty 1.25(To see a larger and more comprehensive list, including more smaller dynasties, and a lot of non-"dynasty" empires, please refer to

What was the belief that the US should expand its territory from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean?

It was known as Manifest Destiny and was a factor in American foreign policy during the 19th century.

What describes the idea that it was God and plan for US expand across the continent?

manifest destiny