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When two parties work together to come up with a solution it is called a bipartisan compromise.


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Q: What is it called if two political parties work together?
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By having each office run seperately the political parties are able to?

mixture of parties in office which foreces the parties to work together By Tommy Mustiane

What was the cold war consensus?

During the cold war, when both political parties of the US agreed to work together to triumph over the global threat of communism. Both parties agreed to do everything in their power to defeat communism.

What is a political party in the US?

THAT is a really good question. In fact the United States Constitution doesn't even mention political parties. For many, at the time to document was written, it was comtemplated that there would be no political parties. But it didn't work out that way. In fact no matter what country you are in political parties seem to be a fact of life. Even in countries who try to maintain only one political party. It is true that we are not aware of parties in North Korea or Cuba, two totalarian states, but I suspect they are there none the less. A political party is an organiztion of people who seek political power to do things of common interest. Great definition, but it breaks down when parties are examined closely. Ususally, it turns out that political parties are coalitions of persons seeking policial power in which the mission of their partners in the coaltion is not wholely objectionable. Therefore they will arrive at a place where they say; "I will vote for you on your issue if you will vote for me on mine." While 'politics makes for strange bedfellows' political parties are made up of persons for whom everyone in the party is acceptable to them on some level.

What is it called When three powerful roman leaders work together in government?

A system in which three people share power simulataneously is usually called a Triumvirate.

What is the name of the political system in ancient Egypt?

its called the ephiance (greek meaning- system of work)

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When both parties work together this is called?

When both parties work together this is called bipartisanship.

When parties working together this is called?

When both parties work together this is called bipartisanship.

By having each office run seperately the political parties are able to?

mixture of parties in office which foreces the parties to work together By Tommy Mustiane

Did Washington approve of political parties?

George Washington

What is bypartisan?

When people from two political parties work together for the common good. Something Congress seems to have forgotten how to do.

When both parties work together?

When both parties work together it is known as bipartisanship.

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What do people give to political parties?

money time and work

What do people give political parties?

money time and work

Groups that work for similar causes in politics?

political parties

Why are political parties good?

Political parties can provide organized platforms for people with similar political beliefs to work together to achieve common goals. They help simplify complex issues by presenting voters with clear choices and options. Parties also promote accountability and transparency by providing a structure for candidates to be held responsible for their actions and policies.

Based on wasington's view of political differences what would his opinon of political parties be?

Washington made it very clear that he didn't like political parties. He was afraid that the party would not work for the common good of the country, but for its own political purpose. If we analyze the political parties today I think he has a point.