Old Kanal Housing & Land Authority
Kanal was used instead of Canal because CH would have changed the sound
The full form of USSR is Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics.
The full form of ABACUS is Abudant Beads, Addition and calculation Utility System
what is full form of A
The full form of Noida is New Okhla Industrial Development Authority.
New Okhla Industrial Development Authority
New Okhla Industrial Development Authority
North okhla industrial development authority
there is Okhla village, Okhla Vihar, Okhla Industrial Estate and Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-1 & 2, I don't which Area you area looking for best way go to "Google Earth" and masseur with the scale.... Access Realty Solutions Okhla Industrial Area, New Delhi-110020
Okhla - Delhi Metro - was created in 2010.
New Okhla Industrial Developement Area
In computing, DO stands for Disk Operating System. It refers to the software that manages the storage and retrieval of data on a computer's hard drive or other storage devices. DOS was commonly used in personal computers during the 1980s and 1990s before graphical operating systems like Windows became more prevalent.
what is full form of RED what is full form of RED
"Hotel" is the full form of the word. It is derived from the French hôtel, from Old French hostel.
There is no "full form".