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are certain, affirmative, positive, absolutely sure , have faith in

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Q: What is another word for strongly believe?
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i believe cramp is the word.

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No I don't believe there is another word for molex!

What is another word for mad or angry?

I believe exasperated is another word

What ia another word for strongly?

I think you could use "firmly" as an alternative to strongly. Or depending on the use, "soundly" could also be used.

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Another word for vein is artery I believe...

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Matrix, I believe

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trash n the word i believe you were looking for was rubbish.

Is strong an adverb?

No, the word strong is not an adverb.The adverb form of the word is strongly.

What do christains believe about euthanasia?

I'm a christian & strongly believe in euthanasia.

What is the difference between being charming and pretty?

I believe that pretty is another word for beautiful , and charming is another word for handsome!

What is another word for Guitar Designer?

I believe their called "Luthiers"