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compromise is kind of like settling an argument Perhaps, Maddie didnt want to buy any poptarts because they were not on sale. But James really wanted to. So they made a compromise........Maddie would buy them but James had to pay half the price. Get it?

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Q: What is an example of a compromise?
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Give an example of a sentence using the word 'compromise'?

The meeting ended in disarray as nobody would compromise. A compromise was reached and everybody gained from the deal.

What is a example of great compromise?

The new Jersey plan and the Virginia plan

What example sentences do not use the word compromise correctly?

"I refuse to compromise on my belief that cheating is acceptable in certain situations." "The company decided to compromise on quality in order to save costs." "Sarah compromised her values to fit in with the popular crowd."

What is a sentence for disagreement?

Example sentence - When in disagreement with others David does not know how to compromise.

What is compromise service?

A compromise service is a service that is performed in return for another service. An example of a compromise service is a hotel handing out discount coupons to patrons for a certain business. The business, in return, might let the hotel advertise at its establishment.

What is a synonym for deals?

Depending on what definition you're using, you could use: agreement, bargain, arrangement, compromise, contract, pact, pledge, or handle. Example: She dealt with/handled it well. They had a deal/compromise.

What compromise lead to the civil war?

the Missouri compromise, the 3/5 compromise, and the compromise of 1850 no it was thethe Missouri compromise, the 3/5 compromise, and the compromise of 1850

Henry clay's compromise became known as what?

The Missouri Compromise The Compromise of 1850 The Kansas-Nebraska Act.

What is an agreement reached in which each side gives up something that it wants?

It is called a compromise. Examples are the Great Compromise, and the Three-Fifths Compromise.