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See - according to this web site there was never an official US flag with stars in an X across it. The battle flag of the Confederacy had this form: see Note at the latter web site, a disclaimer by patriots from the southern US, disavowing the use of such a flag by neonazis or other hate groups.

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Q: What is an American flag with the stars in an x across the flag mean?
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There are 50 stars, representing the current 50 US states

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50 stars on the American flag.

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The stars mean the fifity states. The stripes mean the 13 colonies.

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it depends on which flag you refer to. On the American flag each star symbolizes a state. 50 start = 50 states

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the 50 stars mean all the 50 states in the US

What do the stars on thr American flag mean?

There are 50 stars representing the 50 states. One star for each state.