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Achievements and technology are exactly what they sound like. Achievements are goals you meet and technology is something that assists you.

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Q: What is achievements and technology?
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What is the explanation for The Mayan technology to be more advanced?

the Mayan technology was mathematics, science and more. back then they did have technology because then how would they built all the great achievements we found from them? ;) =/ =} ;]

What are the achievements of the time period of 1000-1300 really medieval and uncivilized?

I feel that the achievements of the 1000-1300s were medieval, not uncivilized. The achievements and things they knew can from the technology and the information they knew. The technology was rather primitive which limited their accuracy on facts and sciences, it also limited what they could discover to what they could see, hear, touch and get to. Today technology is vast, it let's us do everything and anything, also communication with the rest of the world was limited to the information and achievements were isolated to those regions. ALthough the achievement would later be trumped by our generation, the achievements they did have were based on a lot more brains and hard work rather than today's computers and technology.

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busit ka.......  

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What were significant achievements of the ancient egyptians and science and technology?

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What significant achievements of the ancient egyptians in science and technology?

Calendar, hieroglyphics, great pyramids and great sphinx

What were the significant achievements of the ancient Egyptians in science and technology?

Calendar, hieroglyphics, great pyramids and great sphinx

What are some achievements June made?

pottery technology, bronze work, weapons made from jade and military victories

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The achievments in science and technology contributed to the secularization in the nineteenth century because of their marginalization of religion and replacement of supernatural ideas.

What technology was first achieved by the Chinese?

Two important technologies come to mind when speaking about new technology achievements from China. The first is the invention of gun powder and the second is the invention of paper.

What is the importance of English in field of science and technology?

if there is no communication gap between colleagues,sub-ordinates,officials then the company will be getting the better achievements

What is an age marked by great achievements?

An age marked by great achievements is often referred to as a golden age. This period is characterized by significant advancements in areas such as art, culture, technology, and science. Golden ages are recognized for their lasting impact on society.