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An IET soldier placed in charge of a company as student leadership. There are also PGs which act as leadership on the platoon level, squad leaders, class leader, and possibly their assistants. The roles are used to teach student to manage themselves on smaller issues and leave the NCOs to handle larger issues. It also teaches students to use their chain of command correctly.

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14y ago

There could be a couple different answers to this question, depending on context.

If you're referring to a student who is involved in a cadet programme (it would have to be Army ROTC, JROTC, or an independent programme based on Army rank structure, as the Army is the only service with the rank of Sergeant First Class in the US), then it would be someone who holds the rank of Cadet Sergeant First Class, and would perform duties within their cadet unit as someone of equivalent rank would in an actual Army unit - platoon sergeant, staff NCO, etc.

If you're referring to someone who is actually in the Army, I can think of a couple explanations.

The first would be someone attending the Advanced Noncomissioned Officer Course, which is a requirement for personnel being promoted to Sergeant First Class.

The second would be Basic Training, where basic trainees will be delegated with roles such as squad leader and platoon sergeant.

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