A horse belonging to someone with with a title. E.G King or Queen.
Usually their noble steed, which is a Horse.
Yes, I do have a picture of Steed Hill manor.
The proud and noble Irish surname of Hearne originated with the Gaelic language words that mean "steed" and "lord". Prior to the year 1000, they held a family seat as a Dalcassian sept in County Clare in Munster province.
me alongside my trusty steed. Donkey
espadachin noble
Usually their noble steed, which is a Horse.
It's called the hippocampus. It was the noble steed of Poseidon and his sons.
A tragic hero- APEX
A steed is a horse trained for riding on (usually a stallion).
John Steed was created in 1960.
Tom Steed was born in 1904.
Tom Steed died in 1983.
Tim Steed was born in 1957.
Michael Steed was born in 1940.
The Devil's Steed was created in 2005.