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Trenches or bunkers

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Q: What is a long hole dug into the ground where soldiers hide?
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How long did anne frank hide from the soldiers?

she hid for two years

What was a long hole dug underground where soldiers hid?

Trench / Bunker

How do geologist use sound waves to find oil in the ground?

they dig a long hole in the ground and find it

How long to drill a oil well?

it depend on the ground level and the kind of hole it is..

Examples of trench?

Answer this question… An army digs a long hole in the ground to protect territory.

What were front line trenches used for?

Trenches were long upen 5-foot deep ditches infantry soldiers worked from. They could remain hidden from enemy gunfire, yet peek above the top to fire and the enemy or throw grenades. It allowed officers to move among several soldiers without being exposed to the enemy.

How long does it take for the average landfill to fill up?

'Landfill' generally refers to a hole in the ground lined with plastic, and can be of any size.

What is a long hole IN the ground to bring water to the surface?

A long hole in the ground used to bring water to the surface is called a well. Wells are typically constructed by digging or drilling deep into the earth's surface until reaching underground water sources, allowing access to water for various purposes such as drinking, irrigation, and industrial use.

How long is a golf pin from ground to flag?

There is no legal limit, and they vary from course to course and even hole to hole. Holes which have hills or bushes blocking the green have very tall flags so players can see it.

What are trenches in the war?

Trenches were long, narrow holes in the ground used to shelter soldiers in between the battles. These trenches were full of lice, rats and mud.

What type of clothes did the farmer wear in Egypt?

Most soldiers wore a simple linen kilt like most ordinary Egyptians. They carried a spear or a sword often with a long hide shield.

How did they keep cool in the trenches?

During war , soldiers dig long trenches to hide from the enemy's attack. Trenches are dug in mud hence keep the trench cold and makes the survival easy for the soldier.