XD pick me
Good it was a brand new boat.
its called the titanic becasue Titanic means big and tough and its undescructable. its called the titanic becasue Titanic means big and tough and its undescructable.
The replica of Titanic in China will not be designed to recreate the sinking of the original Titanic.
RMS Titanic (Royal Mail Steamship)Also Known as the Titanic
The Titanic went to Southampton in 1912, the same year that the Titanic was actually built.
Ship Snatchers?
titl in the movies film titanic
titanic was good because it had two layers of iron.
No such film. title is simply Titanic. Ship never completed the voyage- so crossing would be premature.
WikiAnswers cannot give you a "good" title because we have not read your story! An effective title must come from the story itself, not from someone who has never read it - that's like getting someone to draw a picture for it without knowing what it's about! Click on the Related Questions to see how you can find a good title.
no if you go on titanic 2 it probably will sink
I believe that the title 'A Night to Remeber' was the title of a very old movie about the sinking of the Titanic - made long before the blockbuster 'Titanic', so, the climax, if you could call it that, was the sinking of the ship.
Titanic ment "Shear size" They wanted the titanic to be the biggest AND fastes
Titanic, 1912: The Biggest Tragedy
Titanic was the largest and grandest ship in the world.
I never been on the Titanic, but I know that the Titanic wasn't good for room 2 and 3 passengers.
Not only a film, the title of which was taken from the RMS Titanic, operated by the White Star line. The RMS Titanic struck an iceberg and sank, on the morning of April 15, 1912, with the loss of about 1500 lives.