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because he sailed across that body of water

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Q: What is a body of water named after Christopher Columbus?
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What body of of water did christopher Columbus crossed to discover the America?

Columbus sailed across the Atlantic ocean. He was expected to sail to Asia, but he landed in America.

How did dominica gets its name?

Chris Columbus discovered her on a Sunday and named her after Sunday. The Caribs named her Wiatukubuli but that was disregarded when Columbus arrived. Dominica got its name from Christopher Columbus in 1492 as he reached the island on a Sunday. The Kalinagos (formerly Carib Indians) call the island "Waitukubuli" which means "Tall is her body" because of the several mountain peaks.

What were Christopher Columbus's qualities?

he was kind to every body but the native americans so they shot him with bow and arowws and he died when he was 2.

What body of water did Columbus travel on?

The Atlantic Ocean, for one...

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The Body of Christopher Creed was created in 2000.

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A large body of salt water named after an explorer?

The Bering Sea named for Vitus Bering, or Hudson Bay Named for Henry Hudson.

What body of water is named after a tiger?

Well it's named after a tiger but the Sea of Bengal sounds like a tiger:)

What did Magellan name the body of water he sailed into?

Magellan named the body of water he sailed into the "Pacific Ocean," which means peaceful or calm in Spanish.