How much is 15 cent martin Luther king stamp worth
1c 1 cent
$5.00 on Ebay
There were no 6 cent stamps in Germany. They used pffenings and Deutschmarks. . A 6 pffening purple Hitler stamp is worth .20 used and mint. Most Hitler stamps are worth about .20 cents
This stamp made in 1968 is worth 20 cents used and 40 cents unused.These stamps were not made in 1734.
A 5-cent 1946 Roosevelt stamp is worth about $1, but it depends on the postmark and the design on the stamp. Some postmarks of this stamp could be worth $11 or more.
How much is a 1947 Thomas Edison 3 cent stamp worth?
How much is 15 cent martin Luther king stamp worth
every stamp is worth it
5 cent
The H stamp is worth 33 cents. Yes, you can add a 1 cent stamp to cover 34 cents worth of postage.
What is the value of a boston tea party bicentennial 8 cent stamp worth
I have a 3 cent win the war stamp and i was wondering how much it is worth it is purple with a eagle and stars
Stamps are always and forever worth the denomination printed on the stamp. If you need a one-cent stamp to complete postage, and you have a one-cent stamp from 1933 - it is perfectly legal. As to what individual stamps are worth to stamp collectors - that is a completely different question.
They are probably worth 9 cents.
2 cent.
3 cents