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You are confused.

The Latin word Stella means a star and it has no connection with ancient Egypt.

The word you mean is Latin stela, which means a post or upright stone. This word (or its English alternative stele) is used by historians and archaeologists to refer to any upright stone carved with an inscription in any language, including ancient Egyptian - so the Rosetta stone is a stela, but so are Viking, Irish and Pictish carved stones.

If you mean "what is the name Stella in hieroglyphs?" - (1) it is not possible to post hieroglyphs on this site, (2) hieroglyphs did not write vowels and (3) the ancient Egyptian language had no letter "l" (the lion sign, transliterated rw, was used instead in foreign names).

So the best I can do is describe the hieroglyphs that would spell out

a door bolt (s), over a loaf (t), followed by two sphinx-like lions, one above the other.

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