it's probably orange yellow or purple but it's probably pink because of the bow that's on her head or it can be blue or white because of her clothes
Ruby bridges favorite color is orange
its help i need a answer for school
Ruby Bridges' favorite color is not explicitly stated in any public sources or interviews. As a historical figure known for her role in the Civil Rights Movement, her favorite color may not be a commonly known fact. It is important to focus on her contributions to history and activism rather than personal preferences.
Hmm, maybe yellow or orange, I would think.
Wats Ruby Bridges children names
it's probably orange yellow or purple but it's probably pink because of the bow that's on her head or it can be blue or white because of her clothes
Her name is Ruby Nell Bridges.
yes there is a book called the story of ruby bridges. google "ruby bridges"
dose ruby bridges have a weakness
ruby bridges favorite song is deparative.
Wats Ruby Bridges children names
ruby's favorite sport to do was to swim
Did ruby ever have animals
ruby's favorite sport to do was to swim
Her name is Ruby Nell Bridges.
it's probably orange yellow or purple but it's probably pink because of the bow that's on her head or it can be blue or white because of her clothes
Did ruby ever have animals