In general, vapor lock is caused by engine heat getting to the carburator, fuel pump, intake manifold, or any other engine part that carries fuel. the evaporation point of gasoline is very low, and it doesn't take much heat to cause it. It has largely been done away with by the introduction of fuel injection. I am not sure what you should do about it, except call the MB dealer and ask them, or find a friendly MB mechanic and ask him/her. All he, she, or they can do is say "NO". You could also call "Click and Clack" on National Public Radio on Saturday AM and ask them. They are very funny and excellent, MIT-trained mechanics. Call your local NPR station and ask them for the 800 phone number. Good luck!!!
Rosa Mercedes Ayarza de Morales died in 1969.
Hold the lock button for 5 seconds.
Westmoreland Lock Hospital ended in 1951.
I can think of two kinds of LOCKS. Take your choice ~1) A door lock which is in Latin, sera (f). ... To lock a door use the transitive verb, obserare.2) A lock of hair is coma (f).
The Chinese invented the canal lock in the 10th century..
how to repair a window motor on a 380sl mercedes
A 380sl does not have a sunroof, it has a hard top.
How do you replace trunk lid springs on a 107 body 1983 mercedes 380sl?
The Mercedes Benz 380SL was manufacturered from 1980-1986. It had a 3.8 liter V-8 engine.
synthetic oil
Check your fuses under the hood.
under glove box by passenger floor mat
Fuel pump is under right rear of body
dodge lancer vapor lock
I understand from on-line specs the top weighs 90-95lbs.